Italy's Promise

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Gosh, I really suck at titles.

Anyways, this is the first oneshot of the series, and it happens to be a Gerita one.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia. (If I did, there would be a lot more Gerita and Spamano moments.) Unfortunately, I only own some assorted Hetalia posters, manga, and cosplay. *sigh*

Anyways, I hope you like it!


Germany grabbed a can of beer and headed over to his couch. He found the friend he had invited over, Italy, already seated on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn in his possession. Italy was staring at the netflix selection Germany had shown him a bit earlier, lost in thought.

"Hey, Italy." Germany said, shifting the Italian's focus to the doorway.

"Oh, Hi-a Germany!" Italy replied, grinning.

The german seated himself next to the Italian, who immediately moved closer to him, making Germany blush slightly.

"So, Italy, which movie did you decide on?" He asked, hoping to distract the Italian from the pink that was quickly growing on his cheeks.

"Oh, I thought that this one might be nice." Italy said gesturing towards the TV screen. On it was a movie Germany had seen before. It was a sad romance between a boy and a girl who ends up dying from an illness. He had gotten through the movie fine, but he was not sure that the small man sitting next to him could handle it.

"Are you really sure you want to watch that one? It is pretty depressing." Germany asked, concerned.

"Ve~ I'm-a sure!" Italy replied happily, munching on popcorn. "just turn off the lights and start the movie all ready!" He commanded.

"Ok, then. " Germany said, surrendering to the italian's requests.

-------Time skip: brought to you by German sofas & co. "Wir verkaufen nur vollkommene Möbel. (we only sell perfect furniture)---------

"I never got to tell you this, but I love you..."

And with that, the girl died in the boy's arms, and the movie ended.

Italy found himself sobbing into Germany, who's arms were gently holding him.

"Germany..." Italy said, looking up into the electric-blue eyes of his best friend.

"Ger..(hic)..many..." Italy repeated through sobs and hiccups. "This... kinda makes you...(hic).. want to (hic)... tell the person you love...(hic)... how you feel about them...(hic)..."

Not able to understand half of what he had just said, Germany stared at the Italian in his arms, confused.

"What are you saying, Italy?"

"Ti amo, Germany."

Describing the german's face as startled would have been a huge understatement.

Wait, did Italy just say... he couldn't have... mein gott, he just confessed that he loves me. What do I do now? The Italian that I secretly like just expressed that he has feelings for me. I mean, I have feelings for him too, but how do I say it?

Every second that Germany was debating in his head what to say, the Italian's face fell more and more. Germany was so caught up in his thoughts that he did not notice this until the Italian pulled away and began to sob even harder.

"I'm-a sorry, Germany, I ... (hic)... thought you might... (hic)... have feelings for me ... (hic)... too, but I ... (hic) ... should have known... (hic)... that you would never feel that ...(hic)... way about such a weak and useless person like ...(hic)... me..."

Germany mentally scolded himself for leaving Italy hanging for so long. Gosh, you have really done it now, he thought to himself. He realized that there was only one way to fix things.

"Italy." Germany said firmly. Italy turned to look at him, tears running down his face.

Germany had gone through a lot in his life, had suffered more than his fair share of pain , but nothing he had ever experienced in all of his years of being a country could ever compare to the pain he felt when he saw Italy. He looked so... so empty and hopeless, and it was all his fault.

" Italy..." Germany said softly, and pulled a surprised Italy close to him.

"You are not weak. You have gone through so much in your life and are still so happy, and, well, you are the strongest person that I have ever known. Don't ever say that you are useless Italy..." "I don't know what I would do without you, if you were gone, well, I..." Germany could not even finish the thought. There were now tears streaming down Germany's face, but he didn't care. "Don't ever go. Please... Ich liebe dich, Italien."

"Germany... " Italy said, wiping away the german's tears. "Don't cry, please, I can't stand to see you cry. I promise I will never leave you. Ti amo, ti amo tanto, per favore non grido." (I love you, I love you so much, please do not cry)

Germany was overcome with so many emotions that the only thing that he could do in response was kiss Italy.

Germany felt Italy tense up and he immediately pulled away.

"I'm sorry Italy, I don't know what I was doing... forgive me..."

"Germany, no it was fine... I was just surprised is all." The Italian said. He grinned at the german, who sheepishly smiled back. "Now what were-a we doing again? Oh, yeah."

Italy threw himself at the Germany, forcing him onto his back with Italy on top of him. Italy joined their lips yet again. Germany chuckled slightly before melting into the kiss. He wrapped his arm around the brunette, snaking his hand up into the Italian's hair. The Italian did the same to the blonde and began to coax his hair out from his carefully done hairstyle. At the same time, he slid his other hand into the German's free one and intertwined their fingers. Soon Germany felt Italy's tongue on his lower lip, begging for entrance. Germany granted it, and found himself in a battle for dominance which, surprisingly, he lost. Italy began to explore Germany's mouth with his tongue, marking it as his own.

The two eventually separated their lips. Italy beamed at Germany, who gave him half a smile back. Sighing contentedly, Italy nuzzled his face into the german's neck.

"Ti amo." Italy mumbled into Germany's neck.

"Ich liebe dich." Germany said, embracing his little Italian.


If either of them seemed out of character to you, let me explain. I personally think that Italy can have a low self-esteem sometimes, and can sometimes become the more dominant one if he wants to, but usually does not. I also think that Germany is actually a very kind, gentle, caring person  to those who know him well, and if one of them is hurt because of something he did, he gets very angry with himself.

So, how did I do? Please make sure to tell me, as this is my first fanfic and I would really appreciate the feedback! Also, don't forget to comment any requests for future one-shots. I will try my best to make your requests a reality.

Thanks for reading!

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