Panic Attacks {Spamano}

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Hey guys! I just had an idea.... Should I call all of you who read this story my Gilbirds? I just thought of it randomly and decided to ask you guys about it. :)

This next chapter is a Spamano one-shot I recently found in my drafts and decided to finish. I hope you like it!


Spain's eyes shot open. It was 1:29 (AM), His forehead was covered in beads of sweat and he was breathing hard. He helplessly shook his boyfriend, Romano, awake.

"Oi, what is it bastardo?" he sleepily grumbled. The Italian rolled over to give the Spaniard an annoyed glare, but his gaze was instead met with a look of pure terror.

"Spain?" Romano sat up, concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Panicattack" Spain breathed almost inaudibly.

"how bad?" Romano asked gently.

"Ten" was the response.

A few months after Romano and Spain began dating, Spain had come over and spent the night. Romano had gotten up to use the restroom around 1:00, and had found Spain curled up in a ball on the guest bed with the lights on. Romamo had immediately rushed over to the Spanish nation, and after about a half an hour of hugging and comforting him, Spain had finally been calm enough to tell him he had had a panic attack, and that he would randomly get them at night.

Spain had later had gone on to reveal that this had been the first time he had had someone there comforting him while he was suffering from one. After learning this, Romano had insisted that Spain move in with him and share his king sized bed. Spain did, and whenever he was having a panic attack, he would wake Romano up. Romano then would always do his best to comfort Spain, and would normally ask the Spaniard to rate his level of anxiety on a scale of 1-10, (ten being the highest.)

Romano gave Spain a sympathetic look and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend lovingly. Spain looked up helplessly at Romano and gave him a weak smile before he winced and squeezed his eyes shut.

"It's going to be ok. Everything will be ok." Romano said, gently stroking the Spanish nation's curly brown hair.

"Roma, could you talk to me about something- anything?" Spain asked quietly. For some reason, hearing the sound of Romano's voice calmed him down. He could never explain why- it just did.

"Sure, Spagna." He said, squeezing the older nation's hand. "Should I talk about the tomato plants?"

Spain nodded.

"In that case," Romano began, "The tomato plants are growing rapidly. Just yesterday I went outside and found a small red tomato on one! The rest of the plants are still covered in green tomatoes, but I know they'll be turning red soon..." Romano continued on, telling Spain everything he could think of about their tomato plants. With each word Romano said, Spain felt himself getting calmer and calmer.

Right as Romano felt he was going to run out of things to say, a loud snore suddenly came from the Spaniard. Looking down, Romano found Spain had fallen asleep in his arms, and the Italian could not help but smile at the sight.

Romano set Spain gently down on his side of the bed, and after making sure he was really asleep, he moved over to Spain and wrapped his arms around him.

"Dormi bene, Spagna," he said as he kissed Spain's forehead. He snuggled into the peacefully sleeping nation and quickly fell asleep as well.

And that's it!

The idea for this one-shot came to me after I had just had a panic attack myself (yes, I get them, and no, they're not fun.) I just thought I should include that, since the story does revolve around Spain getting a panic attack.

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this!!! See all you guys soon!

Spamano and Gerita oneshots (fluff)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora