Daddy, Why Can't You See? {my first ever poem}

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Daddy Why Can't You See?

Early in the morning, I rise out of bed.

My eyelids the same as ever, heavy as lead.

The sweet scent of breakfast fills the air and my nose,

So I follow it downstairs, to the kitchen I go.

Arms outstretched to feel the way,

I reach my chair as "good morning" I say.

A peck on the cheek from my darling dear wife,

Whole or not whole, her love plentiful. Rife.

Tinkling laughter, sweet joy to my soul,

As my darling girl joins, us the family now whole.

As my wife gets up singing, so as breakfast she'll cook,

My little girl hands me something, "Look daddy, look!"

All becomes quiet, the silence so rude,

As it saddens my little girl, ruins her mood.

Hands holding my face, as she climbs on my knee,

She leans in and whispers, "Daddy why can't you see?"

* * * * * * * * * *

My first ever poem. Let me know what you think!



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