Chapter 2

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Present time


"I can't believe my baby girl is going to be the CEO. I'm so proud of you. Following our footsteps and taking over the families business. You see this company belong to..."

"I know my dad. It was your great grandfather who passed it to your grandfather then your father..." I huffed out.

"How long do I have to pretend that I want to do this? How long are you guys going to focus me and threaten me?" I asked him.

"Sweetheart, I am doing this to make sure.."

"The company stays in your name. Dad I know why but I don't want to do this. What about Uncle Devin son? He can and wants to be charge."

"No. This is your company now and you will run it." He said sternly.

"Yes father" I said with a tight smile.

He kissed the side of my forehead before walking out my new office.

Ughhh I always do this. I always let him win and control my life. When am I going to stand up and tell him no? When am I going to put my foot down and tell him 'No I'm not'? Never. And that the truth. I'm not and he knows it. All I want to do is make my parents happy and love me for me. But that's never going to happen either. All my life I listen to everything they told me. 'No sex before marriage. No boyfriends until I'm out of high school. Good grades is how you'll be successful in life. Running the company is my future'

Funny part is I never remember then asking me what I want to do. They never once thought to ask, they just told me. I followed too many rules and I'm sick and tired of their bull shit. Why can't I become a kindergarten teacher? Well my mom says because they make no real money. But I don't care about the money. All I ever wanted to do was to teach little kids and I'm not allowed do that.

So sucked in my thoughts I didn't realize someone walked in to my office. 

I looked up to see the most gorgeous man I have ever saw. He is so beautiful.

"Thank you" he said with well hidden British accent.

" Oh my gosh I did not just say that out loud. I'm so sorry." I said

"Its fine Ms. Johnson"

"Oh no please call me Violet" I said with a smile.

" Okay Violet. I was just coming to inform you that i had to leave early due to a family emergency. And I know I just came back but.." he said politely before i cut him off.

"Oh its no problem. I hope everything is okay Mr...?"

"Theo. I am the head of the mail room." He said looking down at his watch and back up at me.

" Oh well its nice to meet you and I hope everything goes well."  I said with a smile as he walks out the door.

Theo the mail boy.

After doing some paper work I decided it was time to go home. Packing up the things I needed and grabbing my car keys. I closed and locked the door making my way to the elevator. Walking out the building I made sure to say bye to the night security guy and walked to my car. The whole drive there all I could do was think about Theo. Taking the key out to open the door to my apartment.  Lost in my thoughts i hear happy woofing sounds of my two dogs.

"Hey Sammy. Hi Max." I said closing my door and leaning down to pet them. Both wag their tales and watch me with hopeful eyes as I go in the cabinet where their food at.

I fill up both dog bowls with water and food. I get undress and take a long needed bubble bath.

About 30 minutes in the bath the bell rings.  Getting out the bath with only a towel on I walk towards the door and look out the peck hole to see no one. Struggling my shoulders I start to walk back to my bath when the bell rings again and a lite pound on door. I unlocked door and see about an 4 year old boy standing their.

"Oh Hi there" I say to the little kid trying to cover myself up more.

"Hello miss. Do you know where Ms. Angle at?" He said walking into my apartment.

" Ms. Angle don't live here no more sweetie. I do now." I said still holding on to my towel.

"WHAT!" He yelled out. " No she couldn't. I just got back and my father said she will still be here ! Why isnt she here?"

"I don't know sweetie" I said in a calm voice trying to get him to sit.


I turned around to see Theo standing in my doorway. He eyes me up and down before giving all his attention to the little boy sitting on my couch.

"Daddy, Ms. Angle gone" the little boy said pouting.

"He is your son?" I asked looking directly in his eyes.

"Yes and I'm so sorry he just messed up your evening" he said politely grabbing his son arms.

I reached out and grab him by his arm

"Hey, its okay" I said with a smile that he returned.

"Have a good night"

"You too" i said before closing the door.

A son. He has a son and they look so much alike. Sad part is this might mean he's married.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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