What did I get myself into?!

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A/N: Thanks to all who have read so far... love you! Message me or comment if you are reading and have anything you would like me to read, I would be happy to oblige to my loyal readers. Although, I do refuse to read One Direction and Justin Bieber fan fictions... Michael Jackson, Beatles, and Elvis on the other hand, bring it on! Shut up and write, I know.

The next morning I was startled when I awoke. This was so not the same comfortable, custom-made bed I had at Graceland. Did I party too hard again? Then I remembered... I was in New Orleans, Louisiana, to babysit no less. I rolled over to the bedside table so I could see the clock. 8:49, it read. Well, I better get up and see what the deal is. Groaning I pulled myself from the warmth of the blankets. It was 5 past 9 when I finally got myself presentable and got downstairs. Jerry, Dorothy, Milly and Kerrie were up, but Phoebe was no where to be seen. Dorothy rushed to me. "Morning hon, did you have a good sleep?" "Yes ma'am, thank you." "Where you warm enough? Comfortable enough? Full enough?" I laughed off her fussing. "Everything was just fine Dorothy." She looked satisfied. "I'm so glad to hear it. I wonder where Phoebe is, that child is so difficult sometimes..." Noticing my look of concern she hastily added, "difficult with me anyway." Her reassurance did nothing to convince me. "Eggs,toast, and coffee, Elvis?" Jerry asked. "Yes, please." Dorothy filled up a plate for me as Jerry went over the packing list. "I think we are good to go, Dorothy, just as soon as we get Phoebe down here to say goodbye." "Can I go jump on her yet?" Kerrie asked excitedly. "Yay! Yay! Jump on sissy!" Milly cried. "No, you cannot jump on your sister." Dorothy said in a stern voice, but I could tell she was trying not to laugh. "I will get her myself." Well, as long as she's got this, I might as well drink my coffee, I thought.

When Phoebe finally got downstairs there was goodbyes (in Milly's case tearful ones), kisses, hugs, last minute "be good for Elvis" 's. And they were off. Leaving their children in the hands of me, the unexpierenced babysitter, irresponsible partyer, fast driver, "bad influence on the children with my rebellious music" person. I still had no idea how we were going to last this week. It started out pretty easily though, everyone sat around the table quietly eating, awkwardly staring at one another. I would not mind if this was how the whole week was, it was much better than screaming, wild, running, snotty, children I had expected.

"Don't y'all have school or something?" Phoebe answered matter-o-factly: "Of course we do, but it's Saturday, so no school today or tommorow. Did I mention I'm in junior high?" I chuckled. "I think you did mention that." "Milly doesn't go to school though, she is only four." Kerrie mentioned. "Oh yes, of course." Now I have to entertain the 4 year old all day. I hope she likes music...

"Whatcha wanna do today?" I asked, hoping they would say 'oh Elvis we would just like to read quietly and let you feel miserable in peace'. But fat chance of that happening.

"My friends in junior high heard that Elvis was coming and wanted to hear you play. Will you play for them? Remember I have a reputation to upkeep, these things are important in junior high. Which I am maturely in by the way." I tried not to groan and roll my eyes. Entertaining a few kids is one thing but a bunch of them? "Come on Elvis it would be fun! We could have a concert in the backyard! I could invite the neighbor kids over and we could drink lemonade!" Added Kerrie, getting more excited by the second. How could I say no to that enthusiasm? "Kerrie, this is mature junior high stuff, not little kid stuff." Phoebe looked at me as if I knew exactly what she was talking about. "Now wait..wait... woah. Why can't Kerrie's friends watch too? This is my condition: I will do it if we do it Kerrie's way, it's more fair for everybody. Your friends can come too of course." Kerrie wiped away the tears that had started to trickle down her cheeks and grinned. "Yay! I'll make the lemonade!" "I wanna help!" cried Milly. "My friends from the neighborhood can come too." "Yeah, sure." I agreed. Phoebe didn't look too happy about this new arrangement, but she would have to deal, she could still have her 'mature junior high' friends over and all the kids were going to be entertained! This was going better than I thought!

Elvis Presley: Rockstar, Moviestar, King of Rock N' Roll, and Babysitter...?Where stories live. Discover now