Team Free Will: Which One?

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Imagine: Dean, Sam and Cas fighting over you. A/N: alternate end and surprise ending.

You just got back from a hunt and you wanted to have a shower. So as soon as you got through the door to the bunker, you were the first in the shower. You felt the cold water hit your skin and it was just want you needed. Once you were finished you got dressed and headed for the library, before you reached the library, you hear the boys fighting.

'What are they fighting about now?' You thought with slight annoyance. Every time they fight, you would normally walk away and let them sort it out by themselves, but this time you wanted to find out what they were fighting about. So you hide behind the door frame and quietly listened to their bickering.

"Stay a way Cas, She's mine!" Dean fired. 'I wonder who this mystery girl is, and how dare she make my boys fight over her.' you thought.

"What make you think she's yours to claim, Dean!" Cas threw back.

"Because I am the hotter one, so she is bound to like me more!" Dean nearly screamed.

"I'm an angel of the lord you ass!" Cas said.

"None of you disservice her!" Sam said finally.

"And what, you do!?"Dean nearly yelled.

"As a matter of fact I do. Y/N dissevers someone like me." Sam said. 'Holy shit. I'm the one they fighting over...............shit just got real.' You thought.

"Oh yeah, well she kissed me on the cheek yesterday." Cas said. Well it is true, you did give a kiss on the cheek to Cas. But only because he saved you life when the boys weren't around.

"Cas, your a terrible liar!" Dean yelled.

"That's not true, I once lied and deceived you and your brother."

"Well, she's was flirting with me all this hunt!" Dean shouted. Well that is also true but only because he did it first and you were being playfull.

"You were the who probably started it Dean!" Sam said

"Well how about we ask her how she feels about us." Dean said. 'Well time to run' as soon as you heard them get closer you sprinted to your room closing the door behind you. You got you breath back and fixed yourself up.

'Okay here's the plan Y/n, as soon as that door opens. You ambush that sexy beast.' You thought. You then hear a knock on the door followed by Dean's voice.

"Y/N, we need to talk." He said. 'Here we go.' You then opened the door and put your lips on Dean's. You then brake away from it.

"I've waited so long to do that." You then walk off to the library, you hear Dean say something as you turned the corner.

"I told you." He said. You slightly smiled.

You wonder how you were going to tell the boys that you have feels for an angel. You then here knocking on the door, it was then followed by Dean's voice.

"Y/N, we need to talk." He said.

"About what?" You played dumb so they wouldn't suspect you.

"It would be better if we weren't talking to the door." Dean said.

You then started think about what you were going to say. Then it hit you, you were going to act apron it. You then open the door and pushed Cas against the wall and pressed your lips on his. You pull away.

"I learned that from the pizza man." You then walk away, and end up being run down by Cas. He grabs your hand and pulls you in close, he then returned the kiss.

You love Sam but you don't want to hurt Dean or Cas's feeling. So you were just going to tell them. You went to open the door, and when you open it, all three of them were there and Dean was standing there like he was ready to knock on the door.

"Can I help you?" You said so they wouldn't suspect you.

"Y/N, we need to talk." Dean said.

"About want?" You said as you learned on the door frame with your arms cross.

"Y/N, we all have feeling for you, and we wanted to know which one of us you like the best." Sam said, oh god, you tried your best not to kiss him right then and there.

"No offence Dean, but I think Sam is the hotter one." You smirk and walked past them, they followed you.

"You heard us." Cas said.

"Well yeah, it wasn't like you guys were beening very discrete." You said.

"And you pick Sam.......Over Me!" Dean said, you laught slightly.

"Yep." You said. Cas then disappeared and Dean scoffed out of the bunker, leaving you and Sam alone. (What happens next is up to you)

(Surprise ending)
You didn't like either of the guys, at least not in the way they like you too. They're like your brothers, and you don't want to hurt them. The truth was, that you've been dated Gabriel. You then hear a knock on your door. You open it to see them stand there.

"Y/N, we need to talk." Dean said in a calm way, man when he finds out, he's goina be pissed.

"Okay." You said crossing your arms.

"Y/N, we all have feels for you and we wanted to know which one out of us you like best." Sam said, he's just going to be crossed

"Uh.....guys.....I don't like you guys in that way. I think of you as my brothers and besides.......I with Gabriel." They faces showed no emotion and it frightened you.

"What!" Dean said with slight confusion. You then hear a familiar sound of wings.

"That's right.......Y/N is my candy." Gabriel said, putting his hands around you waist. Cas then disappeared and Sam and Dean just walked away. You felt sorry for them.

"Now that's over and done with, how about we blow this joint." Gabriel said, before you answered you were in a hotel room in Paris.

"Is there anything you don't know about me?" You asked.

"Nope." He answered, he then kissed you, and you melted into his kiss.
It's weird, because I'm a Dean girl and the Dean one was the shortest one. So yeah that was fun to write.

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