chapter 29

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Nicole's POV

Everyone was busy in arranging the wedding items. There were flowers, brides dress, bridesmaid, groom suit, kids with flowers, place or church where the wedding would be held. Selena on the other hand chose 29 April as the wedding day. We had a week that's it and long weekend was about to finish. Selena and Glen decided mandarin and white.

Stacey, Linda , Selena, me and two other girls from their pack were deciding on the invitation. The girls were Selena's cousins. Rose and jasmine..... I know quite flowerly.

Rose was pretty with brunette long hair. Red cheeks and ice blue eyes.
She was tall and skinny. Her complexion was light and suited her wonderfully. Jasmine on the other hand was a little short but skinny.She had jet black hair and rosy cheeks. Their father was the gamma or the third in command of the pack. People called them twins. they looked like twins but refused to agree.

We decided with the white and rose invitation. It was beautiful. We assembled them their table numbers.
Many people were going to come. Jason told me that any marriage of one of our members is compulsory to attend unless there is a medical difficulty. Myron his best friend was going to come too. He said that Myron had trained him.....I found his name a little weird.

" wait a second when will be the bacholar party." Stacey said with a frown. " I'm getting married in five days. There is so much work to do and you want to party." Selena said. We all bursted into laughter. Those five days pasted faster than I expected. It felt like some hours.

It was the day before the Big Wedding
Everyone was freaking out. But expect selena, she was calm and collected. We were watching the bee movie. Suddenly Selena stood up, paused the movie hearing loud groans from everyone. " Shhh.....this is important." She said and Glen sat straight looking a little tense. I smiled at that. He must've thought that maybe she going to call off the wedding. " its about my bridesmaid. I want to choose a perfect bridesmaid and didn't actually wanted to give her time to think. So....I choose..." She said. And I heard the most weirdest thing ever. " Nicole Barette " she said and my mouth fell open. Others were shocked too including Jason.
" Nicole you were the one who made this possible. The one that made me believe that I was worth it. Worth of getting loved by someone. People saw me as a slut and bitch. But all I ever wanted was a little attention. I thought hurting others would make me but.....that day I realised that caring about others can get you attention and affection." She said looking straight into my eyes. Without looking at anyone else. Not caring about anyone I said the most craziest thing I said "Yes " and Selena hugged me tightly. That night was a peaceful night. I had actually turned my hatred to friendship. The morning came and the bride's group was a huge rucus.

" guys chill. Now sel try to remember where you had kept your sandles." I said trying not to panic. " do you remember the last time you saw your sandles. When did you see them?" I said. " well last night at 9. I was talking to Glen about our......honeymoon destination. Then I saw them .......under the table! " she shouted at the last. I bent down and saw them shining as bright as sun.
I took them out and everyone's face turned bright as if the ice cream van had arrived. " okay girls lets get the bride ready." I said. We all ran to the common room. We dressed the bride and then got ourselves ready as well.

I got into my dress and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Great Scott...... I looked damn hot.
I smiled, Everyone's gaze on me....the girls smirked and I winked at them....Jason is going to vaporise due to my hotness.....

Jason's POV

I stood beside Glen. He was nervous as hell. He kept asking weird questions. But he was the first one to get suited up. He was very excited to marry his mate. Whereas Myron being Selena's brother was constantly warning him about hurting his sis.
" what if she doesn't come " he said ugh why is he so restless. " ugh she will and if she doesn't. We'll find you someone else.Kay " I said smirking earning a few giggles and laughs from guys. " I don't want anyone else. You don't get it. You're not married. " he said. " but someday you will. That day you'll get it" he said. " okay lover boy your girl is here."I said and he turned around.

Selena was looking beautiful. And then I saw Nicole. She looked stunning as always. But every time different and more beautiful. They were in a fuss about something. Fighting about something. Then she stopped and looked at me. Her eyes looked at my my appearance as if I was her pray. She noticed my eyes and smiled embarrassingly. I winked at her and she looked down.....I made her blush....we made her blush.

The fuss stopped and the function started. Everyone stood up in honour of the bride . Nicole walked down the isle with kids following around dropping petals. She looked gorgeous.
I must be drooling cause of her beauty. She was the most beautiful bridesmaid ever. Selena and Glen said their vows and kissed. They looked beautiful and all but my gaze was fixed on Nicole.....yeah I sounded like a 14 year old talking about his first crush. But she was worth it.....

But a question entered my mind.
Will I ever marry Nicole?
Will She ever be my Wife?

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