The Beginning

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"ARTHUR", Misk Charles growled from the hall. "GET IN HERE", he ordered.
Arthur shivered at the sound of his father's voice. "Your mother is out again and won't be back, serve yourself," he said in a raspy tone. He stood above Arthur with his belt, still dressed in a white tank top with a coffee stain and his blue and white striped boxers.
Arthur winced at his father as he threatened him with noises of the belt. "Please father," Arthur whispered looking away. "Don't please me, pansy. Get off my property or do something useful with your life !" he shout in Arthur's ear, making him wince one more.
He hurriedly ran about the kitchen to gather the trash and empty his fathers ash tray. Arthur came to his father's alcohol shelf and began to quietly dust as he looked around worriedly.
Arthur fell off the stool in a cry. He wailed as his father kicked his leg while he still lay on the ground. Arthur held his wound and scurried to get up in great pain. His father smirked and laughed at his son's new scar.
The door opened and Arthur's father spit furiously as he spoke. "WOMAN LEAVE, I DONT NEED YOU." He screeched at Arthur's mother as she held brown paper bags with few groceries and a pack of cigarettes for Misk. The woman dropped her bags and looked worriedly at Arthur who was still struggling to get up. "Honey I told you, you can't do this to him ! He's your son !" She ran to the bathroom to get bandaged for her son. Arthur looked up briefly and found his father making a racket to get a frying pan.
"Arthur I found some-"

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