Lets go back

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    Arthur found himself walking into a gas station by his house and looked down to find many new scars and bruises as he wondered where they came from. He felt as though he could watch his body moving but he wasn't in control. Then, before he knew it the light returned to his eyes and he was in control but confused.
   As he grew confused he zoned out and watched his body talk with the cashier about buying cigarettes for his father.
    All of the sudden he felt a cold feeling stab him in the chest as he realized what his father had done to his dear mother. The light returning to his eyes was like a light switch turning the light on and off and on and off.
    He watched himself pass through the doors to walk home and saw the look of himself and thought "How ?" He was confused as to why he wasn't in control of his body, what his father really did to his mother, and was vista just a dream ?
     Arthur felt himself get choked up and reached out to his body. It was like a ghost falling back into a corpse. He stretched his hand and felt his fingers tingle and he looked back up at the cashier with shiny yellow eyes and frightened him. "O-Ok kid you're done here," the cashier looked around nervously as Arthur continued to gaze up at the tall man with frightening yellow eyes. The cashier shakily slipped him back his change and turned around and Arthur came to his senses. Arthur walked through the door and could hear the cashier sigh in relief. He took a deep breath and looked at the run down 7/11 and took a glance at the cigarette pack. He could see his breath and realized "winter ?????" he hissed to himself. The last time he was in his body was in early fall. Time seemed to slip through his fingers like sand. Arthur's body forced his conscience out and he yearned to slip back in.
      "No. If I stay like this and follow father he won't beat me as much. I can watch from afar and begin to get caught up." he thought. He rubbed his chin still standing in the front of the gas station, hearing the quiet footsteps of his limp body.
    Arthur's skin tingled as he "walked" back into the gas station. He fell through the doors and felt extremely cold, like a dagger had plunged through his chest as he looked up at the small TV in the corner to entertain shoppers.
     He stood there, breathless. After 5 long, cold minutes he looked down and muttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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