Chapter 3

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Outfit she wears to school☝🏻️

Emma's POV
I was looking at a random paper clip when he asked
L You want to play a game?

E Sure why not

L Okey so the game is that you get to ask me 3 questions and I get to ask you 3 questions

E works for me

L Question 1 why are you so shy about your opinion and your thoughts?

E Becaus look what people do to me when I don t say my opinion, imagine if I said my opinion and my thoughts

L why don't you just stand up to me and Spencer?

E: because you have your whole posy and I'm just there alone yeah I talk to people but no one would stand up for me and I'm tired after all this time of having to stand up for myself with no type of support

L you ask me some now

E okey um why do you think it's fun to embarrass me in front of everyone

L I don't know how exactly answer that but because now I see I was wrong but before I couldn't realize it was wrong

E why did you randomly gain a interest in me?

L because after realizing what I have been doing is wrong I want to make amends and start fresh

E If you think you can make up making high school shit for me by saying that you are mistaken

L: anyway I'm going to use my last question like this:
Would you want to go to the carnival with me?

No sorry


Because I told you before I don't really trust you after everything

Come on Emma please I'm really trying here and I'm trying to make things right

E: Answer me this first: Why the sudden change of heart about me

L: Because I realized instead of embarrassing you I should try to get to know you

E Fine I will go the carnival with you but were just going as friends and not as anything else. Ok? And just so you know I still don't trust you completely but I'm willing to try this

L Works for me

Then after that we just continued working on the project. We surprisingly got it all done.

The next day

Yay! Today Friday which means I have like 5 free periods and I'm hoping that for the first time in a long time Lucas and Spencer's post won't bother me.

Lucas POV
I texted spencer to meet me at the school gate to tell him how everything was going with Emma and when we were done I walked up too her and I don't know why she looked hotter than usual.

L Hey pretty lady (I said leaning one the locker next to hers)

Did that come out of my mouth?!

E Hey

L So I just came by to tell you that I will be picking you up at 4 for our "going to the carnival as friends" and then at 8 we will have dinner. Which reminds  me. Can you send me approximately when your ready since we have the last to periods free, I suppose your going home.

E Yeah sure. Its sounds great but it sounds like a date, remember we're just going as friends

L Yes how could I forget with you reminding me every five seconds (sarcastically)

L I accept it. you have put me in the "little trust friend zone"

We both chuckled and walked to math together.I don't know why but when I'm around her I feel different.

Emma's POV (at home)
I don't want to trust him too much because we both know this can end really badly and I will get hurt. I took my phone out and sent to Lucas a text which said I was ready .

10 minutes later I was about to grab my purse because he would be here any minute and then the door bell rang. I opened the door and Lucas just stared at me for 5 seconds.

E Earth to Lucas

L Right sorry you look great

E Thanks

L Shall we

E We shall

Lucas POV
Wow she looks amazing I had never seen her in a dress. I've only ever seen her in the ugly school dress code uniform. Wow. Because of this bet I'm actually finding a lot out about Emma. Gosh I have to control myself because I can't be friends with her genuinely, like come on.

I honestly don't know why I actually care how she dresses because she is just a bet and she's not my type. A guy like me could never like her.

Hi so this chapter has also Been re edited so hope you enjoyed it.



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