A new chapter

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Disclaimer for the whole thing. I Do NOT own any characters from the Percy Jackson Series.


Chiron's Pov

"The Council agrees," Zeus said. "Percy Jackson, you will have one gift from the gods."
"Any gift?"
"Yes, Any gift."
"Swear on the River Styx that you will grant any gift I ask."
"We, The Olympian Gods, swear on the rive Styx to grant any one gift that Perseus Jackson asks for."
"My gift shall be to make Annabeth Chase, Clarisse La Rue, Juniper, Grover Underwood, Nico Di Angelo, and me gods and goddesses."
"Does the council agree?"
"Then it shall be done. Annabeth Chase, Clarisse La Rue, Juniper, Grover Underwood, Nico Di Angelo and Perseus Jackson please step forward. With the power of the gods behind me I make you immortal. Annabeth Chase you shall be the goddess of architecture, adventure and good decisions. Clarisse La Rue you shall be the goddess of blood spill, fights, and brute force-"
"That's my girl!"
"-Juniper you shall be the goddess of nymphs and dryads, Grover Underwood you shall be god of preservation, creating, and nature, Nico Di Angelo you shall be the god of skeletons and bringing back those who died without consent of the faiths or your father.... And Perseus Jackson you shall be the god of tides, swordplay, adventures, and bad decisions with good outcomes. Welcome to Olympus. You four shall start your twelve day training period tomorrow with Demeter. Now we shall party!"


Percy's PoV

"Man that was some party G-man," I told Grover.
"It sure was, too bad the girls and Nico went to bed earlier."
"Yeah, well I'm going to bed see ya in the morning."
"'Night Perrrrcy."

As soon as Grover left Ares flashed in to the right of me.
"What do you want," I growled at him.
"I just wanted to thank you punk for making my girl a goddess. Now you better watch your back cause now I can beat you so bad and you'll still live."

And with that he flashes out.

Sorry if this was a short chapter but it was all I could think of for the beginning. Please tell me any suggestions and comment please.


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