Part 17

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I woke up and kissed Joe on th cheek getting up.I looked at my room as I got upoir clothes were flinged all over the room.I found a long t shirt and clean pants.I looked back at my bed as I opened my door, Joe snuggled up in the sheets but my head board was smashed and there were imprints on the wl where me bed must of hit.Repeatedly.I didn't think we were that bad.I went out the room and closed the door. The guys were already up with circles under their eyes.I got some pain killers and handed two to Marcus and Alfie."There ya go, you must of had a rough night?" I asked them actually Interested on what they had been doing. "A rough night ? Really?" Alfie asked astounded.I was just confused. "We coudnt sleep at all last night with you and Joe going off and then Caspar as well.But at least he didn't go on for 3 hours." Marcus explained.I was shocked,"Me and Joe were that loud?" O wondered."Yes you bloody were we've got a banging headache from all that banging you've been doing." Alfie answered.I just chuckled and handed the two a glass of water and an extra pain killer.I leant my head back and took my own. I made some breakfast, 18 bacon slices, 5 fried eggs , 12 hash browns , 3 tins of beans,14 slices of toast, 5 bowls of Frosties and milk and 6 cups of OJ.I sorted the plates out, I gave Marcus the first two with a knife, fork, spoon and straw in their drink.I took 1 in for Joe.I shuck him a little and gave him the same as the others,"Hey, you made me breakfast? Thanks" Joe smiled."I made everyone breakfast, ill be back in a minute." I told Joe.I kissed his cheek and got the rest and brought in into the girl and Caspar.I slapped Caspar and the girl, "Wake wakey, I made you breakfast" I said quickly before they could refuse.I went back in and dropped of the pain killers and water.I got mine and painkillers for Joe as well as water.I got into bed next to Joe."Hey babe" Joe said."Here's some painkillers for your hangover." I said passing them to Joe.He thanked me and knocked them back."We were loud last night apparently" I told Joe eating my beans and bacon and hash brown on two slices of toast."And we also broked the wall, my bed, gave Marcus and Alfie headaches and went on for three hours." I said quickly hoping he would hear as quick, but he did.He almost spat hi orange juice out when I told him.He shuck his head, I nodded.He gulped his food down, "Three hours?" He asked."Yep and we broke my head board since it went through the wall." I told him, he got up and looked."Wow" he said in an O face.I got a message,
Jack:Hey can you come over?
Jack:No not right now but in an hour max.
Me:Sure but I'm just wondering what to do with my wall.
do you have any wall filler?
Jack:Maybe, yeah actually.Why what happened to your wall?
Me:😌  well i smashed my bed into it
Jack:Did you get angry or something?
Jack:How then?
Me:You really wanna know?
Me:I did it during uhmm sex...
Jack:With who?
jack: -_-
Me:??? I'm coming over.

I quickly at my food and got dressed.I turned to Joe, "I'm just going over to Jacks for a bit.I'll see ya in a bit." I said quickly.
I ran and shut the door."BYE GOING JACKS BYE!"I shouted before running onto the street and past the path...

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