#Chapter one: Relocating©

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Sophia Hemingway was taken by surprise and severely distressed when her father broke the news on that fateful afternoon, in the summer of 1982...

For the first time in her life, they were moving.

She was so opposed to the fact that she didn't even bother to ask about where it was they were moving to; and her father never mentioned it either.

It had always been just the two of them when Sophia was growing up; her mother had suffered an aneurysm and passed away on the day of Sophia's birth. She longed for her mother's love, but the only memories she possessed were handed down to her orally, from her father, family photo albums, and her mother's journal, which she carried close by her side nearly everywhere she went.

Sophia is a petite and incredibly intelligent 17 year old girl, who had curly golden blonde hair that stretched down to her waist. Sophia had a beautiful smile and piercing baby blue eyes that could pierce one's soul. With such an amazing and outgoing personality, people seemed to be instantly drawn to her upon their first encounter.

Her father was a tall, slender, cleanly shaved man, who made his living by working as a mildly successful orthopedic surgeon: specializing in broken and fracture hand bones. He had just accepted a job proposal, from his chief medical administrator, who had been assigned the task of seeking out qualified and experienced doctors to staff a newly built hospital that was short on personnel in the next state over.

Sophia felt as if her entire world was collapsing around her into a million pieces right before her very eyes.

Her father assured her that everything he was doing was for the better. "It'll be a new adventure for the two of us. It's a part of life Sophie; things change and people move. They're offering to pay double my salary for the year with a hefty sign on bonus. How could I refuse?" He explained. 

But she still wasn't the least bit joyous or enthusiastic about the situation.

Over the next few days, they didn't speak much to one another; just a few words here and there. The silence tore her father up inside as she was the apple of his eye; and they seldom ever fought.

He officially sealed the deal with his real estate agent; having only received a brief verbal description of the town and the property over the phone. After purchasing a flatbed trailer, he and Sophia began quickly packing up their things and loaded up.

The morning of the move as they were loading the last couple of boxes, her childhood friend, Amy came from next door to bid her farewell.

"Hey Sophie, I just wanted to say good bye." Amy had a sad look in her eyes.

"Thanks that means a lot to me." Sophia whispered softly, looking at her best friend who was standing next to her.

Amy reached inside her purse, gently pulling out a small wallet sized photo of them when they were children. "Here, I was going threw one of my mom's photo albums when I found this." She handed Sophia the picture. "You make sure to keep in touch Sophie." She added, tightly wrapping her arms around Sophia's neck.

Sophia began to tear up. "I'm gonna miss you, I'll call you every chance I get, promise."

"I'll get in touch with your mother, Amy." A man's voice appeared from the other side of the vehicle. "Maybe we can arrange for Sophie to come and spend Christmas break with you." Her father replied as he was tightening down the trailer strap.

"Yea Mr. Hemingway, I'm sure she won't mind."

"Can't wait," Sophia said, climbing in the passenger seat of her father's ruby red pickup truck.

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