Chapter One

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"Okay, I'll go first." Aaron said, sitting in a chair to my right. "Let me say, we don't really need to be here.
See, we've been married five years. Five, six years. And this is like a check-up for us.
Chance to poke around the engine, maybe change the oil. Replace a seal or two."

"Yeah, that's it." I smiled.

"Very well, then. Let's pop the hood." The man chuckled.

"On a scale of one to ten, how happy a couple are you?" The man asked.

"Eight." I answered.

"Wait. Ten being perfectly happy and one being totally miserable, or...?" Aaron asked, confused.

"Just respond instinctively." The man said.

"Okay." Aaron said


"Eight." Aaron echoed me.

"How often do you have sex?"

"I don't understand the question." I said.

"Yeah, I'm lost. Is this a one to ten thing?" Aaron asked beside me.

"But, because, is, like, one very little, or is one nothing? Because..." I said, "You know, technically speaking, the zero would be nothing."

"How about this week?" The man asked.

"Including the weekend?" Aaron asked after a pause.


"Describe how you first met." The man said.

"It was in Colombia." I said.

"Bogota, five years ago." Aaron added.

"Six." I corrected.

"Right. Five or six years ago." Aaron scrambled.


"..Todas Ias habitaciones." Police men walked into the lobby.

"Hey. ¿Qué pasa?" Aaron asked the bartender, setting his beer down.

"Police have been looking for tourists traveling alone" the bartender answered. Aaron glanced back at the police men

"Vamos, muchachos. Registren Ios elevadores y Ios escalones."

"¿Anda solo, Señor?" (Are you alone, sir?) The police man asked Aaron

I was escorted in by a group of men,
"Papeles. Señora." (Papers. Lady." They said.

"Esta sola?" (Are you alone) they asked me as I pulled my dress to conceal the weapon on my thigh.

"No, no, no, no, no. Esta bien.." (It's fine) Aaron answered, walking towards me.

"She's with me. Esta bien." Aaron said walking me to a room.

"I'm Jane." I whispered to him after we closed the doors.

"Aaron." He smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you." I smiled.

We found ourselves doing shots later that night.

"To dodging bullets." I smiled, holding up my glass.

"Dodging bullets." He agreed, tapping my glass with his.

"So it speaks." I smiled, standing up and walking past him "But does it dance?"
We danced the night away, before drinking a bottle as the thunder rumbled overhead. He pulled me close until our lips met...


I woke up in his bed, alone. I sat up, looking around the room, remembering last night.

"Hiya, stranger." I said spotting him across the large room.

"Hiya back." He smiled, "I think room service fled. I did what I could." He said holding a tray of food.

"Thank you." I smiled as he handed it to me, "Oh, that's good." I said taking a bite.

"I hope so. I had to milk a goat to get it." He chuckled, opening the curtains.


"Hey, step right up, ladies and gentlemen. Try your luck." A man announced as we walked the carnival, Aaron's arm around my shoulder.

"How about you, little lady? Wanna try your luck? Win a prize?" The man said.

"Yeah, all right." I smiled, picking up the gun and looking at the many moving targets.

"You know how to hold it?" Aaron asked me.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Yeah?" He made sure.


"You gotta aim it." Aaron chuckled as I missed the first shot, and took a few more.

"I am." I chuckled. "Don't laugh, I'll kill you."

"You didn't blink." He took the gun from me and shot down four targets, missing one.

"Do we still get something?" Aaron asked about the prizes after not being able to knock them all down.

"I want to go again." I smiled taking the riffle, shooting down all ten targets with ease.

"Where'd you learn to shoot like that?" Aaron asked me as we walked away with a teddy bear.

"Beginner's luck." I smiled.


"Stop. Stop, you've only known the girl for six weeks." Eddie said to Aaron as they trained.

"I'm in love. She's smart, sexy." Aaron said between punches. "She's uninhibited, spontaneous, complicated. She's the sweetest thing I've ever seen."

"I knew Gladys two and a half years before I asked her to marry me." His friend said, "You have to have a foundation of friendship, brother. The other stuff fades."


"So you don't think this is all happening a little fast?" My friend asked me as we hung from the side of a cliff, pulling myself up.

"You know I never do anything without thinking it through." I said positioning my gear.

"What does he do?" She asked.

"He's in construction. Big-time contractor." I answered.


"A server goes down on Wall Street. She's there, anytime, day or night." Aaron struggled in the match, "She's like Batman for computers." He told Eddie.

"I give the whole thing six months, tops." Eddie said to Aaron from outside the ring.

"Eddie?" Aaron continued to struggle. "I asked her to marry me."

"What?" Eddie asked.

"I'm getting married!" Aaron yelled at him through punches.

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