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It was seven o'clock sharp when Dean got a call.

He hesitantly made the 'ever-so-far' roll over to the nightstand to answer it. Even though it was an unknown number, he stilled picked.

"Hello?" He asked groggily. The other line paused before mumbling something.

"Hello. Is this Dean.. Wimchepter?" The voice finally said. "Winchester." "Right, sorry Mr. Winchester."

"So what's this about?" "We found your number in Ms. Nita Freeman's under emergency contacts."

Nita Freeman? He took a minute to try to remember who it was when he remembered it one of the girls he had had a one night stand stand with a few months ago.

"Did something... happen to her?" He thought about asking if it was something out of the ordinary but he figured he'd say it for a case.

"She's in labor and nobody has come yet for moral support." The voice answered.

Labor? Dean hadn't heard anything from her for ten.. Ohhhh. But was it his?

"Where is she?" He asked, swallowing hard. "Sioux Falls General."

"I'm a two hour drive so I'll be there in a bit." "Alrighty, goodbye Mr. Winchester."

The doctor hung up and Dean was left to try to make sense of everything.

Crap. I gotta get ready. He blinked before getting up to put on clean clothes. He shoved off his clothes, almost tripping in his jeans to put on a clean pair.

He was up and out on the road in ten minutes flat. The whole ride over, he rehearsed in his head what to do.
He stumbled through the hospital door and asked the receptionist where Nita's room was. She gave him directions and he nervously walked to room 4D.

When he knocked on the door, the doctor he had been on the phone with opened the door. "Hello Mr. Winchester."

"Hi." Dean replied, gulping. Over the doc's shoulder, he could see Nita holding a baby and his stomach dropped.

"Come in." The doctor replied, ushering him in. He awkwardly stepped in and looked at the doctor as permission to see Nita and the baby in which the doc nodded.

He walked over, almost tripping over his own foot, and stood at the edge of the bed.

"Hi Dean." Nita smiled, looking up at him. "Hey. How's junior?" Dean replied, licking his chapped lips.

"He's fine, healthy, sleepy." She giggled and fixed the dark, little hair standing up on the newborn's head. He didn't seem the mind a bit.

"Do you want to hold him?" Dean's eyes widened and he slowly nodded. Nita passed over their son and Dean was gentle when he positioned him in his arms.

When passed to his father, the little one opened his big, bright eyes which were a shiny blue.

Wow, he looks nothing like me. Dean thought and kind of wondered if it was even his son but he didn't want to question.

He was too caught up in his thoughts to realize his son had closed his eyes and snuggled into the crook of his arm.

"I think he likes you." Nita giggled. "I think so too." Dean muttered, his cheeks slightly burning.

"You can take him home with you if you'd like, we just need to check to see if he's to go." The doctor finally spoke up.

Dean looked at Nita and she nodded so he hesistantly handed the kid over. The doctor scurried off and left Dean tapping his foot.

"You sure you want me to take him, tiger mom?" He said after a moment.

"I barely support myself, I'm pretty sure you should. But I just want one thing of you."

"And that is?"

"To name him Castiel Emmanuel for me. All I ask."

"Will do."
Dean and Castiel stayed just long enough for Dean to sign the legal papers and get a carrier for him.

As he put his car seat into the seat and buckled him up, Dean swallowed.

"Alright, let's get one this straight, Cas. You don't mind me calling you that right? Of course you don't.," He chuckled to himself, "I'm new to this dad thing and I ain't guaranteeing I'll be the best, especially the way I was raised, but I'll give it my best shot, alright Tony Tiger?"

Cas smiled and giggled, making Dean smile.

Dean's Daddy DutyWhere stories live. Discover now