Blinded Marriage

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  • Dedicated to Rumsha



 Ok I have a loads to say to you. You see there has been a lot of controversy and I was really starting to worry on how to explain things. But then this awesome writer who is also writing a story on Muslims replied to a comment about arranged marriages. guys, I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOUR TRYING TO REACH TO ME!  There are always going to be love marriages but Islamic wise without breaking and rules, Muslim girls are NOT allowed to have ANY physical contact with any male. Some books even narrate that as Muslims are not allowed to even talk to men unless compulsory. AND of course I understand it's the 21st century and girls are always ogling over the cute boys in our class. Hey! I'm a normal teenage girl too! It's not like I don't dream about marrying and falling in love. The point is as Muslim you fall in love after marriage...not before....That's what the whole story is about. Now...I will present the answer  LoVeUnCoNdiTiOnaLLy  gave (P.S. THANK YOU!):

See, "love" is all in our perception. To some, "love" is determined by getting to know someone before getting engaged to them. For some, they believe in marrying the one you love.

For us Muslims, we believe in loving the one we marry. There is nothing wrong with attraction - it's a human thing. We are all attracted to members of the opposite sex, and that is not where there lies the possibility to sin. The possibility of sinning lies in how you interact with the person you are attracted to.

Arranged marriage is a cultural thing, not necessarily a Muslim one. I think the best example I can give you is Prophet Muhammed and his 1st wife.

She employed him, and as they become friends, she became more and more attracted to him. She sent a friend to talk to him (typical girl move, LOL), and she then proposed marriage.

He agreed, and they had a very lovely marriage with four daughters who lived to adulthood (:

Everyone has their own way of finding love. There aren't strict guidelines in Islam like "Only arranged marriage!" or anything like that. Some Muslims do go on chaperoned "dates". Others say they were introduced to their spouse by their parents (in a sense, sort of arranged I guess?) and some say they found their own spouse just by befriending them and then falling in love.

I hope that essay answered the question? Don't hesitate to ask if you're confused! (:

P.S. read her story if you haven't already ;) 

Back to the chapter :)


Blinded Marriage- Prologue 

I held on tightly to the thin fabric of my mothers robe. Hiding behind her legs as My mother attempted to walk with me gripping onto her leg.

"Please Zahra [zah raw], stop pulling on my abaya [the robe]" My mother asked annoyed at my shyness.

I gazed at her covered face and stared into her mothers dark brown eyes pleadingly.

She sighed and picked me up into her arms.

I did not like this place. Mama said that it was important that Amira [Ah meer ah] came here everyday. School? I didn't like for my big sister to have to leave to come here. I didn’t have anyone to play with while she was gone.

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