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"Someone escaped from the asylum tonight," Riza Hawkeye told you over the phone. "He's supposedly very dangerous, so they're mobilizing all units to carry out a manhunt."

You shuddered involuntarily. Of course, the creepy stuff always happened on Halloween. "You need me and Al to come in too?" you asked.

"That's alright. We've got things covered, though we'll have to take a rain check on the trick-or-treating. You kids have fun."

"We will. You and the colonel stay safe out there."

"You too," Riza's tone became darker. "We don't think he'll go near the town, but...keep an eye on the others, okay?"

"Of course."

You hung up the phone with a sigh. You were disappointed that Riza and Colonel Mustang couldn't spend Halloween with you, but at least Envy didn't have to disguise himself as someone else this time in order to avoid their wrath. Ed, Al, Winry, and Mai knew that Envy had survived the Promised Day and was currently your boyfriend. In fact, they were actually okay with it, once they realized that Envy had changed since he killed Maes Hughes. However, you all agreed that it would be best if you kept these things secret from the colonel. Consequently, you couldn't breathe a word to Riza either, because she would definitely rat you out.

You turned to the small group of people waiting expectantly behind you. "They're not coming."

Envy let out a breath that he had been holding and morphed back into his usual appearance. You watched as the tension visibly drained from his body. Ever since the Promised Day, he was scared to death of Colonel Mustang, and with good reason.

The rest of the group wore varied expressions of disappointment. You were all dressed up and ready to go trick-or-treating, hoping that the colonel and Riza would join you.

Even though you were a little unhappy at this turn of events, you weren't about to let it ruin your favorite holiday. "Come on, guys," you said, herding them all out the door. "Remember the free candy." They all perked up at that.

Your group walked around town in its usual style. Ed and Winry were fighting like an old married couple, Mai was blatantly flirting with Alphonse, and you, being the oldest, were the responsible one. Meanwhile, Envy decided to embrace the "trick" element of Halloween by slipping away from the group, transforming into various Halloween monsters, and then jumping out from behind a bush or tree, scaring the rest of you half to death. It was like clockwork – leave, change, scare, repeat.

After a few hours of gallivanting around Resembol, you came across the creepiest house you had seen all night. It wasn't creepy because of the way it was decorated. In fact, it wasn't decorated at all. This house was completely barren. The lights were off, leaves littered the porch, and there was even a broken window. It looked abandoned.

"Come on, guys," you said. "Let's go to the next block." You started to walk away, but stopped when you noticed that someone was missing. "Wait, where's Envy?"

"Probably trying to scare us again," Mai whined. "Let's just go."

"Envy!" you called. "Come out! We're leaving!" You looked around, but saw no sign of him. In fact, you saw no sign of anyone, aside from your group. "Strange..." you thought. You looked back at the old house, and that's when you saw a face in the upstairs window. It was completely white and had black holes where the eyes should have been, as if the person was wearing a mask or something.

"Tch," you scoffed. Classic Envy. You looked back at your friends. "Never mind, I found him. He's inside the house"

"Where?" Ed asked. "I don't see anyone."

Halloween (Envy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now