The creation of Stars

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Many thousands of years ago, there were 2 suns. Both of the suns names were T and S. These two suns were surrounded by their own worlds, which would soon combine into one.

One day, T was wandering around while searching for something to do. To his knowledge he was the only moving creature of his kind in the universe. Although T was in love with his surroundings, he felt too alone. Everything had finally become too tedious for his liking and due to this, he was becoming hopeless and depressed. He didn't see the point in living if he never had anything to do and the meaning to his life was utterly worthless. A darkness swept across the universe when the feeling of hopelessness penetrated into his mind. He gave up and decided he would just sit underneath one of the many soaring trees in the stunning forest that encircled him. Once he did this, he felt his eyes start to fall shut and he fell into a deep slumber.

Only time could reveal how long T had slept for but when he had awaken, there was a piercing figure of light above him. T was clueless to what this bursting glow belonged to. He stared at it and spoke slowly, "Hello?"

Somehow another voice echoed out across the forest from the outline of light, it was a sound T was taken aback by. The voice was soft and overall perfect. "Who is it?" the voice asked.

T jumped up off of the ground as fast as he could, pressing his back to the tree. "I am T." He felt embarrassed by his so called name, he had never thought of about it before though
"My name is S." She paused, "I didn't know there were others."

"Others?" T repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. I never thought I would find another of my kind." S answered.
T gawked at her. He was like her? That was nearly impossible. She appeared absolutely perfect, and then there was T. He laughed but quickly stopped. What was this? He didn't ever recall laughing before. It felt wonderful!

S raised an eyebrow also which caused T to quickly ask, "I'm your kind?" he emphasized your because there was no possible way.

"Have you never seen yourself?" she asked and when T shook his head, S looked at him, astonished. "Come with me then!" S exclaimed.

S lead T to a small stream she had found in the forest a while back. Once they were there, S pointed at the water.

T raised an eyebrow. "Yes? That is water."

S heaved a sigh, shaking her head. She pushed him forward, pointing again. "Look at your reflection!"

"My... my reflection? What?" T stared into the water but he could only see S. "All I see is you..." he mumbled.

"No, T! That's you, not me." S explained in annoyance.

T gazed into the water, peering down at the reflection. He began to distinguish the features in the reflection. No, she was right, that wasn't S; this individual had more handsome features and they weren't as soft as S's features which were flawless beyond compare. This made him sit in awe. "I am like you..." he said in a low voice. This was the first time he'd ever seen himself and he could never have imagined he looked this way.

S rolled her eyes before smiling, "No kidding! That was what I've been saying the whole time."

S and T went on talking for a long time, T realizing when he was around S, everything just felt a lot better. He didn't feel the awful sensation of hopelessness whenever he was around her. It was absolutely wonderful to feel happy and to have someone else there in his life. He had finally started to notice that everything was brighter with her around, which he knew sounded like one of the cheesiest things ever but hey, it was the truth.

A lot of time had passed, probably hundreds of years, and they still enjoyed each other's company. They would travel around the universe, discovering many different things. They had eventually began to care deeply about each other and everything was just perfect, until one day.

T and S were wandering around in a field, talking about everything. T thought for a minute before speaking, "Do you think there are more?"

S glanced over at him, "Of us?"

T nodded in reply, "I want to try to find more of us... Who knows how many beings of light there are!" He smiled at the thought, "We should look!" T didn't notice the look in S's eyes of hurt and pain.

S bit her lip, bowing her head. Was she not good enough? Why did T have to try to find others when everything was already perfect and wonderful? She thought it would be a little exciting to find more of them but at the same time she didn't want to. What if they took T away from her? What if he stopped liking her and talking to her? She couldn't bear to not have T in her life anymore, she had become too attached to him. S's life without T was awful; she dreaded the thought of being alone, it scared her. She agreed with him anyways, "Yeah, okay..."

After a long search, S finally gave up. She said T could keep going but she didn't want to; she was done, and with that, T was gone. S was all alone once more, and she was hurting awfully. The longer time T was away from S, the darker everything got. Soon enough, everything was pitch black except for the glow radiating off of S.

While she was alone for this long time, she started to ache all over. It was an odd, unusual,
physical pain. It continued for months and months, and while this physical pain continued, the emotional pain she was going through only became worse. She didn't know what to do or what to think anymore, heartbreak was tearing her apart. The same thoughts kept echoing eternally through her mind, 'Why did T leave?' 'Why didn't I go with him?' 'Where is T now?' 'Will he ever come back?' 'Did he find others?' The questions were endless, and they hurt her to the point where it was simply unbearable.

T wandered through the darkness, searching for a light of some sort. It seemed like forever since he had been alone. All of the sudden, everything started to shake, and just as soon as it began, it stopped. When it stopped, a million lights filled the sky. His eyes widened, "The others! There's more! S!!!! S!!!!!!! We found-..." he stopped, looking around. S wasn't here, what was he thinking? "I found them..." He finished sadly. T stared up at the other lights above him, there were so many. As he started, he began to notice something particularly odd about them. They were familiar, and not like his lights but they looked like... S. He began to notice the light was S's; there was her twinkling smile lighting them all up. That was impossible though, wasn't it? It had to be.

Little did T know, just like S's heart, S herself, shattered into millions of pieces. She was gone
now, forever. Except for her light filling the sky; her kindness and character would fill the night sky for the rest of eternity. The lights of S were named Stars; the s of the word from S herself. If you look up at the sky at night, you will see S shining down on you. The stars hold no pain because at last S is finally free and in the sky surrounding T for all eternity.

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