Chapter 1

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chapter 1

I opened my mailbox and began sifting through the mail as I climbed the three flights of stairs to our apartment. I opened the door to my sister Emmi helping my mom bake her cake. Today was Emmi's birthday, and it was special, because she's finally going to spend it with us!

I still live here in California with my dad, while my sister and mom live back in Maine. I miss it so much. But the fear of seeing HIM over there is what keeps me here. If he found out, he would take my baby girl away. I cant believe she's going to be three in December. December 25th to be exact. She was a Christmas baby.

I heard a cry, then "Mommma!" speaking of my little angel... I walked down the small hallway to me and Ivy's bed. She was standing in her crib, jumping up and down, arms held up high waiting for me. She had tears in her eyes which indicated she had a bad dream. 

I picked her up as she sniffled into my neck, twirling my purplish hair in her small little chubby fingers. I shifted her weight so that she was on my hip, and we walked out into the kitchen. Ivy pointed to my dad, who was napping on the couch. She placed her pointer finger to her lips. I laughed quietly and set her down. She ran over to him and began to put lip stick on his face. I don't know where she found that, but it was okay with me, as long as it wasnt marker.

My dad needed his 'beauty sleep' anyways. Emmi ran over to help Ivy decorate my dad. I went into the kitchen, setting the mail down on the table and taking one decorative card out of the pile. It was addressed: to Jessica Sanchez and family.

We cordially invite you to celebrate Maradith McBeth and Alecander Hemmingway's matrimony. held on the 21st of august at noon. Black tie optional, present mandatory. RSVP needed. 

At the bottom of the card it said "and don't even think of not bringing Ivy." The location was... in MY backyard? I turned to my mom and showed her this. "Did you know about this?" I ask. She nods. "Yeah Im renting out the back yard since Emmi doesn't use it." I nod. Now the real question was will Brett show up? And would I be willing to take that risk?

Oh come on, it's Mar Mar we're talking about. She'd kill you if you didn't come. Plus, I miss all of my friends. Ciel and Broady especially, I haven't even talked to them on Skype in over a year! Let alone seen them in person. I had sort of lost contact with everyone. Yes I had made friends here, but I got to see them all the time. 

I took out a coin. That's what I do when I cant make a decision now-a-days. Flip a coin and let fate decide. Heads I go, tails I don't. I took a deep breath and flipped it. Mid-flip, someone caught it. I looked up to see my best friend (in Cali, that is), Jace. 

He had dark brown hair that he kept short and spiky, hazel eyes, and a great smile that never failed to make me smile back. He was tall, too. He bent down and handed the coin to my daughter as his silky voice said, "Why don't you go put that in your piggy bank, V?" He asked, using his nickname for her. He beamed at him before running off to do as he said.

He was sort of a role model to her, I mean, he had known her since she was three months old. The way we met was almost funny...

I was a 16 (almost 17) year old girl, with a three month old baby to take care of. A baby who enjoyed three walks a day. She also had a habit of keeping me up all night. So there I was down by the beach, trying to get the stroller put together while feeding Ivy. As you could tell, it wasn't the best idea. I nearly dropped her. 

Finally I got so frustrated with the darn thing I kicked it and it went rolling across the boardwalk I was by. I set Ivy back in her car seat and she began to cry inside my car, door still wide open. I hadn't slept in probably 20 hours. I was exhausted and didn't know what to do.

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