The Man Diet: 11 Facts About This Shocking New Trend

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Times are tough. Global recession, fewer jobs, and an increasingly image-conscious society mean that there is more competition than ever before. If you feel like you can't keep up, you're not alone. 44% of Americans feel more stressed than they did 5 years ago. So how do you not only survive, but thrive in today's competitive world? The Man Diet!

1) What exactly is The Man Diet?

The Man Diet is not just a high protein diet, but rather a lifelong way of eating to maximize health and wellbeing. Benefits include healthier skin, cleaner teeth, higher energy levels, improved digestion, fewer enemies, reduced allergy symptoms, mitigated risk of chronic disease, better weight management, and less stress.

2) Is The Man Diet Just For Men?

No, while its protein content may appeal less to some women, many women embrace it.

3) Is The Man Diet the same as Paleo?

Though similar to The Paleo Diet, which mimics the food groups of our pre-agricultural, hunter-gatherer ancestors, The Man Diet goes one step further. The Man Diet mimics the diet of our pre-human ancestors.

4) Will The Man Diet Upset My Stomach?

Some people get "rocket-butt" at first, but this is okay. Don't get all scared, it just takes time to adjust. Remember most of us have been eating a diet full of anti-nutrients and unneeded ingredients. When we switch to a more natural way of eating, the body begins to cleanse itself. In addition to physical detox, most people will experience some degree of emotional or psychological detox. This is normal and can in fact be quite freeing.

5) What Does It Taste Like?

As with any diet, the food all depends on how you prepare it. Don't be afraid to use low-calorie condiments like mustard and hot sauce!

6) How Does It Work?

The Man Diet is easiest to follow when you prepare your food for the month. How much you eat is up to you. The key is to adhere to the following proportions:

-80% muscle meat with fat

-10% organs

-10% raw meaty bones (you may also have raw meaty bones as a snack throughout the week)

Eating in these proportions isn't required everyday, but instead can be balanced out throughout the month. Variety is the key!

7) Where Do I Get Meat? Is The Man Diet Expensive?

The Internet is where most people look first. Posting online often yields results. Many people find the challenge of finding fresh meat to be the most rewarding part! Learn from your experiences as you go along. Look for cheap or free options: fresh roadkill (hours old if it's a warmer climate, maybe a day old if it's cold), tramps, elderly, shut-ins, unattended children, unhappy co-workers etc.

8) Is The Man Diet Legal?

Yes! In the United States and most European countries there are no laws against it.

9) Will I Have To Kill Anyone?

Not Unless You Want To.

10) Should I Eat Brains?

Zombie jokes aside, the eating of brains is controversial. Though one of the most nutrient-rich organs, they can contain prions (the type of protein linked to mad cow disease and its human equivalent) and have more cholesterol than any other food. The Man Diet does not endorse the eating of brains.

11) Is The Man Diet Really Natural?

Absolutely! Mankind's closest relative, chimpanzees, can become ferocious carnivores, strategically stalking and slaughtering their rivals. Homo antecessor, the link between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, were cannibalistic. The Man Diet is based upon our instinctive desire to capture and eat our competition when times are lean. Not only is it natural; it's inevitable. So don't be the first one to get left behind. Devour your competition with The Man Diet!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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