Chapter 11: Doncaster?

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Chapter 11-

Recap: I climbed out of the car, blowing a kiss to Niall before walking up the path to my front, I walked in only to be met with........


An empty house. No one was home. There wasn’t a sweet aroma in the air. Just emptyness. Sighing I walked up the stairs to my bedroom, to see a note laying on the bed.

Dear LennyBear,

Your mom and I went to Doncaster for a night to get Jake settled in at the new hospital. Don’t worry we will be back soon.



“YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME” I yelled into the empty house. Well I can’t go back to Niall, so i guess I am staying by my self. I smirked realising I had the house to myself, i walked over to my iphone doc, placing my phone on it and turning on my favorite playlist.

P!nks ‘Just give me a reason’ rang through the speaker as I walked into my bathroom, turning on the water I started running a bath. I stripped down and climbed into the enticing water. Sighing contently. I was humming the chorus, laying my head back. I felt genuially happy, not a fake happy. Just really happy.

After about 30 minutes in the tub, the water started to get cold so I walked out to my closet, grabbing a pair of pajama shorts and a loose tank top. I figured it was time to start packing for Nialls, and Uni.  I pulled out a suitcase from my closet, and started packing a bunch of outfits and other necesites. Of course I only packed the stuff I wouldn’t need in the near furture.

SHIT! I forgot about getting a dress for graduation. I ran over to my phone finding the contact label ‘Baby’ clicking on the contact I heard the familar voice of my best firend Kennedy.

“hey gourgeoues” she answered.

“Hello Baby cakes” i smiled. “I need a dress for graduation! Wanna go shopping in 10? I don’t have my car so come pick me up”

‘Okay boo, Love you! I will be there soon” she said before hanging up. I ran over to my closet -again- and pulled out my jean shorts with lace enhancement, and a loose tank top, I left my hair down and clipped my infinity necklace on. Just as I  was sliding into my flipflops I heard a car honk, signalling Kennedy was here. Finally!

“Hey chica” I said climbing into the car.

“Ello love” she said in a stupid accent making me laugh.

‘To the mall!” I said smiling as she pulled out of my driveway.

*At the Mall*

We walked into one of the many stores and went immediatly to the dress section. I picked quite a few, while kennedy only picked about 2 or 3.

“Okay what about this one?” I asked steppign out of the dressing room, in a tight blue dress. Kennedy shook her head no.

“Fine then” i huffed walking back in to try on my last dress. It was a soft pink with alace overlay and a skinny black belt tied around the waist. I slipped it on, walking out.

“Yes! That is it!” Kennedy yelled excitedly.

“Will you take a picture?” I asked handing her my phone. She nodded as I posed for the picture. After changing and paying for our dresses, Kennedy had decided on a simple blue dress, that was about mid thigh, like a tank top, but then it got to the waist and droped to a skirt.

“Well babe, I have to go so can you drop me off?” I asked, she nodding as we walked out to the car.  

“Bye Hun” I called to Kennedy as she pulled out of my driveway. Yeah, if you haven’t caught on we don’t use real names just pet names. My phone vibrate in my pocket, pulling it out I noticed I had a text from Niall.

‘Hey babe! Miss you! How are things at the house?’

I quickly texted back.

‘Hello! Miss you too! And they aren’t home, they went to doncaster for the night to help Jake settle in at a new hospital. :/’

I threw my phone on the couch setting my bags on the ground and walked into the kitchen. I am so hungry! I looked around a bit before deciding to make noodles. I boiled the noodles and poured some spaghetti sauce over them, YUM! I had just sat on the couch when my phone rang.

QUACK QUACK QUACK! That was my ringtone........

Call From: Niall is the bestest boyfriend in the WORLLDDD!

Smiling I answered,


“Hey babe! What do you mean they are in Doncaster?”

“I mean they are in doncaster with my brother and I am home”

"Oh well do you want me to come over or you stay here?"

"No I have to do a bunch of stuff to do  and you will just distract me" I said with a giggle

“Please babee” he begged

“No! I have annoyed you enough, I will fine. You need some ‘Niall Time”

“No I don’t! I love having you around me!” he protested

“Fine” I stated

“Yes! I will Be over soon! Love you” he said.

“Love you too” i said before hanging up.


Okay! So what y'all think? I am updating agin tonight:)

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