Chapter ten.

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Chapter ten.

“Wait up!” I’d screamed after him, running with feet that pound onto the dirt leaving foot prints behind.

My long tresses blow into my face and cover over my eyes as the wind pushes against the side of my head. It’s a very windy summer day and I’m a little fourteen year old me running after a fifteen year old him.

His golden rimmed eyes look over his shoulder and spot me so far behind. He rolls them at me, and stops turning back to walk toward me where I stand still trying to fight my hair out of my face.

“Why don’t you just cut it off?” he asks striding up to me with a wicked grin.

“Oh yeah you know how well that would go over with my mother!” I say angrily still wrestling with my long hair as it continues to blow in front of me.  He laughs, he knows how she gets about things like that, that’s why he brings it up! He thinks it’s funny the way she emphasizes the importance of a girl’s hair.

He laughs and mocks. “A girls hair is her magic!” he quotes her in a high pitched voice.

I smile wide and laugh at him as he continues placing a hand girlishly on his hip. “Darling don’t forget the lip stain, a girls lips are her key to a summer wedding!”  I’m laughing wildly now, mouth open wide, shoulders shaking as he impersonates her perfectly! With all those nonsensical things she says about looks and there importance!

Then he sort of purses his lips out all pouty like she does when she doesn’t approve of my actions. And I just about fall over.

“Stop!” I halfheartedly beg holding onto my side which hurts from all my laughing. Then another gust of wind blows my way and I’m left with hair in my open laughing mouth. It stops me in my laugher and I try to pull it all out of my face but it feels hapless every time I get my face free another gust of wind comes toward me.

“Ugh this is impossible! “I whine dropping my hands to my sides in defeat.

He watches with a wry grin as my hair immediately blows around in the wind tangling and flying everywhere!

“here.” He sighs reaching into his pocket. “Let me!” he groans like he’s frustrated to have to come to my rescue yet again.

I frown helplessly as he walks behind me and pulls the hair back little piece by piece. My heart stops at his closeness. As I feel the heat of his skin radiating onto mine.  My breath is caught in my chest as his rough calloused fingers slowly graze the side of my neck as he pulls back hair. He take his time, pulling every last strand into a single handful of hair. And then ties it all together with a bright red ribbon that hangs down as long as my hair does. 

Then as he’s finished tying it off his fingers sort of trail down my hair, playing with it almost. A shudder goes through my spin, and involuntarily I shake. 

He pulls back his hands then. And I turn around to face him, face free of hair at last.

“What would I do without you?” I say sweetly, sort of joking.  He smiles down at me… when did that happen? I think. When did he get so much taller than me? So much older looking? When did his thin gangly arms get so thick and tan? When did his chest become so sturdy and strong?

“You would have a very peaceful, annoyance free life I assume!”  He says matter-of-factly I look to the side as if considering for a moment.

“Yeah probably!” I say nodding. He frowns suddenly and I laugh.

“Just like, without me, you would probably be sour and grumpy just like your father!” is say.

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