The Lightless One

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I lay in my bed all through the night, terrified that if I take one step away from my sanctuary of a home that the Lightless One would get me. I have to be a man. I shouldn't be scared of whatever this creature is. Maybe he's the dark spirit that the Blue Fairy warned me about when I first arrived on Neverland. She never told me to be afraid of him, just to avoid his temptation. I can do that . 

When the sun finally rose from the foggy horizon, I buddle up all of the confidence I had and unraveled from my blankets and took a step on the wooden floor. I am safe here. I don't have Pa constantly yelling and abusing me. Maybe I can make some friends today and bring them back here. I need someone human to talk to. Not that Tinkerbelle wasn't a great converser, she just doesn't understand what it's like to deal with, well, human problems.

I quickly exited my new found home and started my way to Pixie Hallow, that's what Tinkerbelle called it. My traveling through the dense forest was short. There is was again, the mighty Pixie Hallow in all of its glory. The boundary line was easily crossed. Arabella told me that only one of pure heart and enter the fairies' home.  That's also why she was so surprised that I crossed the line. She was taught that all humans were corrupt.

"Tinkerbelle?" I called, trying to fish her out of the crowd  of twinkling lights. The soft sound of bells, announced her arrival. I still don't know how I can understand her foreign tongue.

"Peter!" she cheered. "I was scared that you couldn't make it through the night. The Lightless One was running around looking for you. He felt your presence here on the island. He's coming for you."

My hair was flung in my face. The sharp, hasty wind took me by surprise. The little twinkle that Tinkerbelle was, disappeared from my vision. The breeze must have blown her tiny body far from me. My locks continued to whip in my face violently as the wind gradually gained speed. I stumbled to find my footing. 

A dark shadow-like figure hovered over me. It wasn't flying, just hovering. Completely still as the wind got faster and faster and faster. Tripping over a tree root, my balance fails me and my body met the ground. It looked down at me, and gave off an eerie feeling, it was almost like it was smirking in my defeat.

A deep howling-like groan escaped from the figure. Everything got still, silent, lost. Its hovering body circled me, examining my every inch. Never once did i feel refuge from its ominous glaze. My body froze. What could i do? It wasn't a man, but it was man-like. It wasn't a shadow but it held a resemblance.

"So you're the boy I've been looking for," A deep coo echoed from the creature.

"And you're the thing I've been hearing all about," I quickly clamped my hand over my mouth. What courage did i have in order to say that. This, well what ever this is, was going to kill me. This really isn't the best time to talk back.   

"You got a mouth on you, Peter."

"How do you know my name? What are you? What do you want with me?"

"Too many questions," It sneered. "You need patience if you want to live." I gulped, understanding my place in this relationship. "I know you've heard about me, those fairies have quite the mouth on them."

I slowly stood up, getting to eye level with this creature. It led me away from Pixie Hallow and took me to mermaid lagoon. I sat on the sand, as did the creature. It confirmed that it was the Lightless One. He told me about other parts of the island, and how the fairies weren't as trustworthy as I thought they were. 

I have no reason to believe him. The pure Blue Fairy told me personally that I should stay away from it. 

"You don't believe me, do you? They know your full potential and they're terrified of it. All I want is to help you reach your apex. The fairies are just trying to harm you. I'll prove it."

"How?" I responded to the Lightless One.

"The mermaids, they know the truth. You can ask them yourself. Ask them about the fairies." It commanded me.

I was curious. But I don't want to break their trust. It was just trying to trick me.

"No, I trust the fairies." I spoke.

"Oh Peter, foolish boy. The mermaids are always here when you want to know the truth." And just like that it evaporated. I was left alone on the warm beach.

The fairies wouldn't lie to me. They are a kind being.The Lightless One was just trying to mess with me. I'm not as naive that it thinks I am. It is the foolish one. Not me.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 20, 2015 ⏰

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