Pilot: The collision

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When people purposely walk into you in the hustle and bustle of Diagonally, they usually say sorry. Not Draco Malfoy. There Astoria Lilnave was, minding her own business, when some rude git pushed infront of her.
"Excuse me, I think there's a que-" but a hand silenced her.
"Not now" a tall blonde boy spat. Walking to the front of the now aggrivated line, he sniggered at the angry faces but Astoria was having none of it. Following him, she tapped the familiar boy on the shoulder.
"Hey you! All I wanted was a sherbet lemon ice cream - that I have spent half an hour queuing for actually" Astoria hissed.

"Seriously - I don't care" he muttered, clearly aggrivated with the stranger.
"No! I qued for a sherbet lemon ice cream and I'm going to bloody well get it" Astoria stated. Not moving from her spot infront of him, the rather attractive blonde boy lifted his top lip in disgust. Glaring, he turned back to the counter of Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlour.
"Fine. Here you go but don't misunderstand me." He handed the pretty green eyed girl a pot of ice cream. Taking it from him catiously, Astoria tucked her black hair behind her ear and her eyebrow rose in mockery.
"How do you mean?"

Draco Malfoy snorted and called behind over his shoulder.
"I brought it because I wanted rid of you - not because you're attractive." Leaving her blushing red, he left the parlour without looking back.

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