My Punk Rock Father (2.0)

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***Another Punk Rock Father one shot! Yay!***

"Jana! Get up, you lazy!"

I woke up with the sun peeking through my window. Ugh! Another day in hell...

Ever since my parents left me, well, my mom didn't really 'leave' me. She past away while giving birth to me. I've heard many stories about my mom, about how sweet and loving she was, how caring and smart and always listens to people, everything. I saw pictures and I thought she was beautiful. She could have been the perfect mother. Sadly, I never had nor will have the chance to ever meet her. As for my dad, he left when mom died. He thought he can never take care of me. Wait a sec, he NEVER wanted to take care of me. He left and pursued his dream of being in the navy. And then had his own family and blah blah blah. I never heard from him since.

And because of them, I'm stuck here. In this hell-hole. I wouldn't exactly be exaggerating. I'm being serious. This IS hell. I feel like I live in a typical Cinderella story, with the evil step mom and annoying-as-fuck step sisters. Except this one has no Prince Charming or a ball or a fairy godmother. I'm living the bad side of the story.

"Jana! If you don't come down here, you're gonna get it!"

I rolled my eyes. Evil Step Mom is filled with threats, with no actions to match it. Yeah, she can yell. But that's about it. She literally doesn't do any shit in this house. I'm only force to listen to her because she's my 'legal guardian' and she's my 'mother figure' and my 'only relative left'. Bullshit. I know I have other relatives out there. She just doesn't want me to go off anywhere because of the will my mom left for me.

I pulled off my PJs and switched to a pair of old jeans and my Blink-182 shirt. I pulled my hair into a pony tail, which I dye a different color every week. This week's color: shitty red. It was better than last week's puke green, which was originally blue but faded to some disgusting color. I scanned through my CDs and picked up 'Take off Your Pants and Jacket', my favorite Blink album. I thought since it quieted down the Evil Bitch must be sleeping. She should be. She always come home late from her bingo/drinking nights with her so-called friends.

I sat down on my bed when I heard a knock. I ignored it. Then it came knocking again. Normally I'd yell at whoever the fuck is at the door right now, but I know so well who's on the other side. "Come in." The door opened and I lowered the volume from my stereos. "Hi Leila!" I picked up the little redhead and sat her on my lap. "Did you have a good sleep?" I asked. She nodded. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to tell you stories. Did you have nightmares again?" She shook her head. I smiled. "Did you eat breakfast?" She shook her head again. Of course, the Bitch is sleeping and the two idiots are probably busy arguing about their hair. I carried Leila down stairs with me and set her on the countertop. I prepared her some eggs and bacon, her two favorites. I learned to like Leila because first, she's a kid. She's too innocent for any of these shit. But I know she'll grow up to learn them and hopefully not turn like one of these cunts that we live with. And second, she doesn't really speak. She can, but she refuses to. I'm not sure whether she's too shy or just doesn't want to talk at all. After Leila finished her breakfast, I brought her to the living room so she could play. And so I can have some alone time.

I went upstairs to my room and immediately shut the door. I forgot that my stereos were on so I turned up the music louder. The song Roller Coaster started playing and I laid back down. I shut my eyes, thinking of all the possible things I could do if I wasn't imprisoned in this house. I was about to fall asleep when there was a loud knock from the door. "Jana! Open up!" A high-pitched voice yelled.

"And then what?!" I yelled over the music.

"Just open the damn door!" A deeper voice said. Ugh! I never want any of them in my room. This is my only private place and they won't leave me alone for a sec?

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