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SONG OF THE CHAPTER: Elysium- Bear's Den


Louis and Niall rejoiced in the freedom they had been granted as they wandered through the streets of the city, their feet slapping the stony pavement in an even tune that complemented the buzzing sounds of the motorway nearby and the chatter that flitted through their ears. The pub was nearby, The Crown Inn, and the sound of clinking glasses and sloshing drinks filtered through the old wooden door. A few stragglers who were already undoubtedly drunk were sat outside, their voices loud and throaty as they laughed and chanted out some football songs about winning the league.

The pub was a lot warmer in that it was outside, and the cold that had been clinging to Louis' cheeks melted away and instead highlighted a pinkish hue to his cheeks and reddened his nose. They both breathed out sighs of relief and removed their hands from their pockets with chilled smiles. The pub was loud, and a quiet music was spilling out of the speakers that were dotted about the ceiling. Niall's head almost hit against the beam that was holding the old building together, though he managed to duck just in time and let Louis take the hit. The barman served them their drinks, both beers, and turned to the till beside him to put the order through.

After paying, the pair took refuge on some of the stools by the bar, leaning their forearms on the beer mats that were scattered across the golden wood.

"It's been so long since we've done something like this," Niall breathed, his eyes tracked on the elaborate stack of wine glasses behind the bar.

"I know, I know." Louis chuckled, "Probably something to do with you throwing up all over your dad's new carpet last time," And Niall guffawed in return. The memory foggily revealing itself, the last time they'd managed to get out in the evening had ended slightly too drunk and messy for their liking.

"M'not going to drink too much this time." The blonde decided, "Stop me at three." He pointedly raised an eyebrow at his best friend, who nodded with a slight laugh.

In the end, Niall was hammered and drunkenly sloshing his way back through the city with a tipsy Louis by his side. The songs he sung were loud and obnoxious, colourful words leaving his lips in a loud rapture that was sure to wake the entire neighbourhood. Luckily, the taxi Louis had called pulled to the curb just as Niall was getting to the higher section of his song, and the lad abruptly stopped singing to climb into the car.

Niall woke with a long groan, and let his forearm rest against his forearm as he let his eyes react to the bright light of his room and the throbbing that was seeping through his head and weighing down his limbs. The night before was a slightly hazy mess in his mind and he was glad that he hadn't woke with a random bird in his bed, again.

Louis pushed through the doorway not too long after, holding a glass of juice and some tablets, along with a tray of cereal and a smile that only made Niall want to slam his head against the wall. "You were supposed to stop me!"

"I did, but you were buying more every time I turned my back!" Louis laughed out, smirking slightly at the scowl he received in return. "Good night, though." He sighed, placing the tray on the bed beside his best mate and turning to leave. "You've got a meeting in an hour."

Niall grunted in return and flopped his head against the pillow at the sound of his friend's cackle through the door.

The day was busy, and the blonde barely had time to sneak in a sandwich for lunch as he was dragged from room to room with piles upon piles of important documents to read through and sign. The transition was only a week away, and Niall was glad to finally have his father out of his hair; as much as the man meant to him, it was rather difficult with him breathing over his shoulder as he worked and those icy eyes scrutinizing every letter he wrote.

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