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Ok guys so this happened yesterday in class....
So it was career day at our school and you would dress up as your future career. I was a dressage horse trainer and rider, but one girl named Cassie was a snake wrangler I think. Something like that. Anyway, she had a fake snake around her neck.
        So in my English class my teacher, Mrs.Crawford, I have Cassie and her friends in that class. And Mrs. Crawford is TERRIFIED of snakes. So one of Cassie's friends, Claire, takes the snake and when she wasn't looking, threw it by her feet. A minute or so later, Mrs.Crawford looks down and screams  on the top of her lungs. I didn't know what happened at the time, and there is a big glass window behind me. We were under tornado warning in the area, so the whole class thought it was a tornado except Claire. The whole class jumps out of their skin one guy who is on football and is like 6 feet tall, screams. His voice is so low, and so it was so funny because it was so high pitched. One guy, also on football team, screamed and ran out of the room. Mrs. Crawford took her hands off if her eyes and looked down again and bursted out laughing. The guy came back in when he heard laughing and everyone else started laughing when she picked up the snake. She said," Really Claire, here you go." She said still laughing.
        Yeah she is awesome she did not even get mad she just laugh and her face turned red.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 and that is about how it is in her class every day. We also have one boy who fights with everything she says about English. And he brings up a subject then someone else adds to the subject and soon we are having a class about if glue is made out of horses. It is one of my favorite classes because it is like awesome.

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