A New Life (Chap. 8) (a witch love story)

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Recap: *"Please, just listen, this is important. I'm-I'm." He took a deep breath and tried again. "I'm a witch," he whispered.


He grabbed my wrist to stop me. "Wait. Look at the door, just look at it." I did, the door was half way open. But then he mumbled, "Bouger," and flicked his wrist toward the door. The door swung all the way open. I stared in shock.

Then when the initial shock passed, I felt emotion again.*

~~~Katheren's P.O.V.~~~

Or... maybe not...I was still numb. I let him pull me back down onto the bed.

~~~Daren's P.O.V.~~~

I lightly tugged on her wrist and she fell back onto my bed. "Katheren," I whispered, using her full name instead of the nickname that I usually call her, "Are you alright?" I know it was a stupid question, but I asked it anyway.

"A witch?" she asked with a difficultly.

"Yeah," I mumbled, not looking at her. I was absolutely terrified that she would run from me and never come back, I didn't understand it.

"How does that work?" he voice was strangely distant.

"It depends on their aura. The stronger the aura, the more powerful they are. Everybody has an aura, but most people's aura consists of multiple colors. Witches- and warlocks- only have a single color aura, which is how they get their magic, from their aura. Aura is invisible, but some witches have the ability to see it. I can.

"My aura is a dark blue. For some reason, blue auras are the most powerful, light blue is the most powerful of all. Then comes green, purple, red, pink, yellow, then the least powerful is white. The most powerful color of aura for a warlock is black, then their least powerful is brown. There are many different colors that can be seen but the shades don't entirely matter."

During my whole speech, Katheren was silent and staring at the wall in front of her. "But just having a solid color aura, doesn't mean that the person can use magic at any time. First, they must be able to control their aura, then be able to focus it- usually through the use of words," I continued.

She shook her head suddenly. "You said before that 'We had something in common that I don't know about'. What did you mean by that? I am confused."

"I didn't tell you all of this for nothing," I told her. "I believe that you are a witch..."

"What?" she shrieked in denial, which caused me to look up at her, surprised.

"I said that you are a witch," I whispered. "That necklace, your mothers, it doubles as a protection charm, she was a witch, that makes you one also. I can't see your aura, so this is what I have to go off of."

"If you can't see my aura, then you might be wrong! I can't be a witch! I am not!" She was shaking her head and edging away from me. I tried to grab her again, I couldn't allow her to leave, she could get herself hurt, especially if people are after her. "Ha-have you ever used magic on me?"

"Yes-" but before she allowed me to explain it was because she almost had a panic attack, she was screeching at me.

"How dare you?! Never use magic on me again!"

"I wouldn't-"

"Never again! I want you to leave me alone!"

"But I-"

She ran towards my door, but before she left, she turned to say one last thing to me. "I bet you used your magic on me to make me like you-even love you,- I was just part of your twisted game! But you will never control me again, never!" Then she ran out of my room and down the stairs.

I had heard the door slam, but I couldn't move. She loved me?! Me? I felt my heart squeeze, I realized why she meant so much to me, why I had always wanted to be with her, and why what she thought of me meant so much, I loved her too. And now she was afraid of me, thought I was crazy. I wanted to scream in frustration. I had to get her to trust me again, for both her and me. I would never forgive myself if something ever happened to her; I had to keep her safe. That, and since I knew that she had loved me once, I couldn't just let her go, I would win her back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2009 ⏰

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