Chapter seven

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"What?!" I yelled. We all yelled protest and arguments.

"Silence!" Esther yelled, and my whole family became quiet.

"Well that escalated quickly..." Finn said.

"Oh dibs on Blondie!" Rebekah yelled.

"I'll take Mr. Buff." Caroline hissed and stared at Emmett, who looked very afraid, Klaus kissed his mate on her cheek.

"I'll take Pixi." Damon said with a wicked smile, I gulped, he laughed.

"We take the major." Sage said and Finn nodded. I felt Jasper tense beside me.

"Ohh the Doctor is mine." Bonnie said. I heard Carlisle gulp.

"Ohh I'll take Esme." Klaus said with a evil grin.

"Mama, can I give ugh.... I Hate his name... Edward an aneurysms? Pretty please?" Renee begged. What?

"As you wish." Bella said and Renee smiled. Suddenly Edward was on the ground, screaming in pain.

"Restrain yourself." Esther said in a kind tone, Renee looked disappointed but she stopped. Tanya was by Edwards side. Sobbing.

"Oh my god, he's not going to die you stupid whore!" Rebeckah yelled in annoyance. Everyone on the thrones had hard not to laugh. Tanya hissed.

"Oh did you hear that? A pathetic kitten, desperately trying to defend herself." Caroline said with a fake pout.

"I'll kill you!" Tanya hissed at Caroline and showed her fangs. Suddenly Tanya was on fire, her body in pieces, Caroline. That went on less of a second.

"Now, now learn to respect your masters." Caroline lectured like we were children, well we were compared to their age. Klaus smiled at his mate. I was a bit happy for Tanya being dead, Edward looked.... Emotionless.

"Not sorry for losing your 'mate'?" Bonnie asked, doing air quotes at the word mate.

"Oh sister I think that we could help him with his sorrow." Kol said with a smug.

"Ohh I could-"

"Rebekah. People under a 100 years." Elena said.

"Oops, sorry." She said with no remorse.

"Hmm, where were we? Right killing!" Jeremy said like it was about dinner or a movie.

"Oh yes the good part!" Jenna squealed.

"Can we please discuss this in a more civilized manner? I beg you." Carlisle said.

"He's worse than the peace make Saint Stefan." Damon said with a chuckle. The whole family smiled and Stefan raised a brow.

"Oh really? Then what happened in 1912? Or in the 20's?" He asked with an evil smirk.

"Yes! Your ripper times! Those times were fun!" Klaus examined.

"Yeah, you dragged me and kept me in a box for 90 years." Rebekah said sarcastically. Wait what?

"We're in the same boat sister." Kol, and Elijah and Finn nodded in agreement. Klaus did that to his siblings!?

"Oh come on! Cut me some slack!" Klaus examined and his siblings gave him a look.

"Yeah! You killed me!" Elena said and looked at Klaus. What the hell?!

"But you came back, human too." Klaus defended.

"But my dad died because of it."

"You hated John." Damon said earning a death glare from Elena.

"You killed me." Caroline said, glaring at Katherine.

"But you like being a vampire." She said. Caroline opened her mouth but closed it again.

"You killed me!" Tyler said looking at Klaus.

"Tectacnly Rebeckah killed you."

"You forced me Nik!"

"You killed Mason!" Katherine yelled at Damon.

"Please, like you ever cared for him!"

"You killed Jenna!" Elena yelled at Klaus.

"I said I'm sorry! And it's Damon's fault! He got bitten by a werewolf!" Klaus yelled.

"It's not my fault that wolfie here was an idiot. As usual." Damon said looking at Tyler.

"You know that I don't have control under the full moon!"

"Who haven't Nik tried to kill?!" Bonnie asked. No one said anything.


"You killed me!" Bella said and looked at Damon. We all hissed at him. But her glare turned into a smile.

"And I love you for it." She said and pecked his lips. Edward tried not to hiss at Damon.

"Ewwww!" Jenna yelled.

"You're dating Henrik and you kiss him, sorry cuz, but it's true." Renee said. Jenna stuck out her tongue at Renne that just rolled her eyes.

"Where is Henrik anyway?" Caroline asked.

"Hunting." Jenna and Renne said at the same time.

"I hope that boy cover his tracks. That hybrid teenager can be pretty reckless sometimes." Bonnie said with a chuckle. I just stared at them, they let him FEAD. In the middle of the day? What's wrong with this 'family'?

"Yes, Do you remember last decade?" Jeremy asked.

"Ah yes. The Venice Massacre." Elena chuckled. Wait, the massacre that killed 10 people?

"We always seem to get off track, killing yes?" Esther asked. I gulped.

"Shall we?" Mikael asked, he this old voice that gave you shivers of fear. I gulped as they rose up from their thrones. This is it. I'm going to die by the hands of my ex bestfriends mate.

Sorry if there's any grammar mistakes....

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