Simon's costume

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Simon smirked covered in blood "Simons not here anymore....I'm Freddy now." He grabbed Charlie and she rolled her eyes "Your not scary." He smiled "Aw but I wanted to be...I wanted to be really scary!" He laughed evily.

"One, two, Freddy's coming for you.

Three, four, Better lock your door

Five, six, grab a crucifix.

Seven, eight, Gonna stay up late.

Nine, ten, Never sleep again...." Charlie hummed for she was fixing her hair for her costume. Then she hummed and sang the next song.

"One, two, Freddy's coming for you.

Three, four, Better lock your door

Five, six, grab a crucifix.

Seven, eight, Ya better stay awake.

Nine, ten, He's back again."

(Fun facts about Admin! Halloween is her favorite holiday she gets to be someone she's not!

Fun fact 2, Admin loves Freddy Krueger, she even had a sweater the same as his, her mother got her for Christmas)

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