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· Audio log 1

My name is Dustin Jones I'm a graduate from Harvard University, I major in psychology and today is my first day as a professional psychiatrist for which I'm looking very forward too. The reason why I'm recording this all is because my professor told me I have a lot of good ideas for helping people with phobias, traumas and mental scarring, he suggested that I should document the results of my work has on my patients that way if they are proven successful I could begging writing a book or blog something to help future psychiatrist with any difficulties they might be happing, I know it's a little egotistic to think I can do something like that but it can't hurt to try if it's for the good of medicine I am willing to try well let's get started

· Audio log 2

Yesterday I meet a lot of interesting people I meet a young teenage girl who has a problem with her body she has been forcing herself to vomit almost every day for the last week at least that's what her parents told me she was at first difficult to work with but I took things slowly step by step trying to get her to open up to me it took some time but eventually she did I told her that there are other ways and that life has no short cuts weather working for a major or working on your body she cried of course but I could see they were tears of joy that was my first case and it really felt good knowing I had an impact on somebody life hopefully for the better my next patient however was a bit of a confusion his name is Casper and he look well I can't really describe his eyes are what puzzle me his bangs were huge like he hasn't sleep in days, they were blood shot he look tired but more than that he looked scared stress, his look was both depressing and freighting I talk to him ask him what was the main problem he set, I don't really know why I'm here I mean I find seriously I am mi parents are just being paranoid, well let's see from mi report it seems you parents have been hearing you talk to yourself, well come on a lot of people do that it doesn't mean anything. He was starting to get defensive so i decided to change the topic. Ok then so can I ask you a question, he noted, have you been sleeping well you look like you haven't been getting enough, he stood quiet for a few minutes before he started. Well no not really I guess, is there something wrong have you been under stress or something. I don't know It all started a few weeks I had a dream, what did you dream about, I was in a room all alone It was dark and quiet I was confuse I tried to call out for someone but nothing happen so I thought to find a way out but there was no door i was trap then it happen, what happen, the windows broke and the room started to flood it dint took long before I started to drown I could actually felt it I was freaking out i try to swim out true out on of the windows but when I got close I saw corpse outside the window right in front of me face to face. I ask him who was the corpse he started to sweat looking down like he dint want to look at me, it was me, I feel that this might be more then what his parents set so I talk to him a few more trying to find out more about him so I can get a better idea of what's wrong with him I feel bad for this kid I need to do some research but I am certain I can help him I will

· Audio log 3

I talk to Casper parents the other day from what they told me it seems he has a very normal if what great life, parents are very loving and supportive I also met his friends. A young man name atom and Jessica I ask them if there is anything they have notice happening to Casper like he is under any stress or pressure something that can give me an idea of what the problem might be I thought they would know from what I heard they have been his friends since childhood atom set, I don't know doc honestly this shit just happen a few weeks ago and I'm really freaking out about it I mean Casper my best friend since we were like in third grade and he never acted like this before, he won't talk to us he doesn't even look me In the eyes anymore something about this doesn't make sense it's like it's scared I want to help but he doesn't let us I don't know what to do anymore, I told him, don't worry about it I'll fined what's wrong with your friend I will cure him no matter what you have my word. I know it's not wise to make promises like that when I'm not even shore I can keep them I'm making a lot of rookie mistakes but I just can't help but feel sorry for them and casper It looks like I still have a lot to learn, I shuck both their hands before they left as I made mi way to the car I notice something behind me it was Jessica she came back I ask were what was wrong and she responded, I need to know do you honestly think you can help Casper because he told me about these dreams his been happing and there, she stood quiet for a few minutes I could tell she was fighting back tears, I'm really scared I don't know why this is happening to him to us I just want things to go back to the way they were I don't like this I'm really scared that something going to happen if we don't help him and, she started to cry I walk over to her and I promise her I will do all in my power to help to find the source of the problem I gave her a hug wiped the tears from her eyes she started to smile which was nice to see then she went this is getting a lot more serious then I originally thought there has to be something I'm missing some deeper meaning into it I'll get back on that one. I took Casper to a café today in hopes of improving are relationship he was quiet I guess he still wasn't in the mood to talk but at least he seem more relax around me so there some progress until he had a freak out I went to the bathroom to wash mi hand as I came back out Casper disappear I try to look for him but he was nowhere to be seen I ask the coffee shop worker if he saw where he went he told me he dint see him leave I went outside calling for him I heard a noise coming from an ally I went to investigate it to see it was Casper on the floor it look like he had trouble breading I ran over to him to try to help him he then ask me, what is wrong with me why is this happening to me I can't take it anymore, i could tell he was suffering I wanted to help him so bad, there's nothing wrong with you Casper I'm here and I'm not going anywhere I promise I will help you no matter what, he started to calm down so I helped him up and took him home he ask me not to tell his parents what happen to him he dint want them to worry I agreed but only if he visited me more and starts opening up I let him know how much I really wanted to help him he smile and noted as he left the car I started to wonder if things will be better tomorrow only time will tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2015 ⏰

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