The Mark Of A World Changer part 2

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The Need For The Character

Matthew 5:14,16

     You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (NKJV)

     Our society is in desperate need of character. Lack of character is often brought out by opposing candidates in election campaigns, and the public doesn't seem to think that the issue is very important. Many people don't seem to care if candidates are acting unethically people seem more concerned about candidates' speaking abilities than about whether they have character in their lives. There is an incredible emptiness of character of many politicians, business people, and even Christians.

     When people hear of a preacher or minister, some wonder, "What is he doing to scheme people out of their money?" or "What is he really in this for?" This is the very opposite of what Jesus intended. We Christians are supposed to be the standard the rest of the world looks to. People should see in us what is pure and holy. Unfortunately, many Christians have been tricked into believing that since it seems unimportant to the world to have strong character, it doesn't need to be important to us, either. But the very opposite is true - God demands that we have character. He demands that we live like Him if we are going to represent Him.

     Character is the development in your life or qualities that look like God. And in a world that doesn't value God or godly habits you may think that you are doing pretty good just by going to church. But you must develop these distinctive traits in your life the way that God would want them. God doesn't measure your maturity as a Christian by how much you go to church. He measures by obedience. The more obedient you are, the more character you'll have in your life. It doesn't help God if you just go to church your whole life and get gray hair and die. He is looking for people who are determined to live His word and be obedient. He is looking for people who will prove that they love Him by building His character into their lives. He is tired of people just going through the motions and speaking spiritual language but being bankrupt in character. 

     Today is the day to determine to go for it. In the midst of the world that doesn't seem to care about character, even in the body of Christ where some people don't seem to care about character in the church, we must be a young,  fiery army determined not to let people mock us because we don't line up in the world.


     Personality Versus Character

     Many people confuse personality with character. Some people can slip and slide their way through life with a very funny personality. They can always make people laugh, and they are very popular. But some people who know how to make others feel good with a smile or with compliments learn to be manipulative to get their own way. Some people think that being popular, always having the funniest joke, or saying the most spiritual thing is having character. But all of these are substitutes for character. Some people are like chameleons. Just as chameleons change color to adapt to their environment, some people change personality.

     Remember, personality is not character. Everybody has a personality, but not everybody has  character.

     Many people feel inadequate because they don't have a funny, witty, or attractive a personality as another person does. They are not the life of the party. But God is not looking for people to be the life of the party; He is looking for people with character. He is not looking for people who can blend in or change colors wherever they go so others will like them; He is looking for people with character.  He is not looking for people who can always have the funniest joke; He is looking for people with character. He wants people with godly habits built into their lives. He wants people who are the same whether they are in front of a lot of people or alone before God. He is looking for people with character.

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