Our Secret [One Shot]

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Author's note:

Here's my second fic for one of my favorite pair. I hope you'll like it!

I apologize for the grammatical and spelling errors. If you happen to see one, please correct me. English is not my first language. 

No one might read this though. 

CRITIZATIONS, Comments and Likes are loved 

Anyway, ENJOY~

Title: Our Secret

Genre: Romance

Pairing: Itano Tomomi (AKB48) x Yaotome Hikaru (Hey! Say! Jump)

     Sipping her hot coffee in the middle of the night while checking her students’ papers, she received a text message from her parents saying they have to meet 11:30 AM tomorrow at their rest house. This is going to be a serious talk since usually her parents would just call her. But this time they’re going to meet in person.

     From what she knew, her father was meeting an important person together with her mother. Her father owns a large company but right now it’s not in a really good shape due to the recession.  Yes, it’s in the verge of bankruptcy that is why her father is seeking help from a friend who also owns a big company. She hoped that this friend of his will help them. Since this is the company that her father invested not just with money but with blood and sweat. He had countless of sleepless nights just to make this company stand. It might not be a well-known company but it can help the economy of this country. But let’s not talk more about that since her father and she aren’t that close.

    Instead, she continued her work until 2:00AM, being a teacher is not as simple as most people see. You don’t just work for 8 hours since that’s just the time where you teach your students. There are still many things to do like checking and recording the quizzes, & exams, then add the making of reports, lesson plans, and graphic aids; money can’t replace the sweat and blood rendered by a teacher. With that much workload, the teacher is still underpaid and being underestimated.

    With her eyes half closed she walked towards her bed then went slept. Oh, that ecstasy, if only SLEEP could be capsulated and could be sold out in the market she would already have bought hundreds of them.

    Her alarm rang 5:00 AM; she rose up then turned it off. As much she wanted to be glued in her bed, her mind keeps telling her to wake up or else she’ll be late. Without any choice she took a bath which brought her out from the lethargy she was feeling. She wore her uniform, then heated the leftovers she had last night for her breakfast. Then headed to school and did her work. Hours passed in a blink of an eye, it was already 11:00 AM and she needs to talk with her parents. She has 2 hours left till her next class, so she hurriedly went to their rest house.

     Her father and mother was already waiting, she walked towards them then greeted excitedly, “Hi Mom! Hi Dad! When did you arrive?” she has not seen both of them for months already.

“Welcome my Tomomi! Seat down” her mother responded giving Tomomi a kiss on her cheeks.

“What are we going to talk about Mom?” She asked

“Sit down first” her father instructed her with a serious face, so she did what he instructed. She noticed that her father’s face was not that happy. Tomomi knew that instant, his father will be making a really big decision.

“Tomomi, remember when we told you we asked for our friend’s help?” he said with a sigh “He said he will help us” he added then let out another sigh.

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