Chapters 31-40

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Chapter 31

"Niall!" The voice I automatically recognise as Harry's booms through the hallway. I can hear him, his footsteps thudding towards my hotel door.

I just continue to pack my things, pretending that I did not hear him. 

"Niall!!" He screams, twice as loud. 

Finally he reaches my room and boy was he angry. I didn't even have to try to guess why he was mad. 

Harry Styles has a punchable face. *Ding!*

There I said it. Now I will remove ten sins though if Niall punches Harry in said face.

I laugh just like I did that morning Elizabeth knocked on my door. I couldn't categorise my laughter into humorous or humourless. 

"We had fucking sex, Harry. " I seethe. "And she told me she had feelings for me and then the next day she jumped to you."

As opposed to the non-f*cking kind of sex. *Ding!*

I nod once, wiping my eyes with the meels of my palms. "A holiday." I mumble again, liking the way the word taskes on my tongue. "I could use one."

Niall isn't punching Harry in the face in this scene. *Ding!*



Chapter 32

Him: I don't get your tweet. 

Him: what are you running away from?

Him: what do you want?

Me: death. 

'Angsty teen romanticises their own death' cliché. *Ding!*

"Oh, my dear," she sings, dusting away. "We're having a visitor, an important one at that. "

Before I had the chance to ask who, she had shoved a toilet brush into my hand.

Oh, what fun. Cleaning shit from toilet bowls.

We interrupt this One Direction fic to bring you Jupiter Ascending. *Ding!*


As I stood in front of the sweet, homey house, I couldn't help but feel content.

I was in Sheffield, J was here.

The first time in history anyone has been happy to be in Sheffield. *Ding!*

I don't know where she's staying, but I know that I will find her. I know what she looks like, and she should know my face. It's inevitable that we shall meet.

What I didn't know, when I knocked on that big oak door, was that she'd be on the other side.

550,000 people in Sheffield and Jessica just happened to be in the first house he tried. Nah. I'm calling bullsh*t. I have no reason to be this mad! My expectations were low. But it's NOT THAT HARD to make two characters find each other without resorting to a ridiculous contrived coincidence to do it for them. I mean for the love of Satan, even I could write better than this. *Ding!*

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