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She's smart. Like really smart. Luke told me she was a year younger than us and has already been offered a scholarship to Harvard but said she 'wanted to live her high school years' so they said that it was up to her but she most definitely couldn't stay in her year she had to be bumped up a grade.
Maybe thats why no one talks to her?
They think they'll sound dumb?
Every day she looks more tired as in she could collapse from sleep deprivation. But its high school who doesn't I mean it's ridiculous, they expect us to go to school for six hours, do around an hours worth of home work for each class so seven lots of homework, thats 13 hours and they expect us to have eight hours of sleep, so you only have 3 hours to hang out with friends, look after your health, clean yourself so you look neat clean and tidy... no wonder so many kids kill themselves like this is no way to live
She still looked lovely. Her hair still in the same messy bun. Damit mali, teaching me all the names of these dumb hair styles. The thing with her is she is the type of girl that could be chilling in sweatpants with no makeup on and still look like a V.S angel

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