Winter Break

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The first day of Winter Break! Two weeks of no school and playing in the snow! The only thing was, you lived in Texas, it never snows in Texas. So, of course, you've never really seen snow, it was more like dirty slushy stuff that was definitely not snow, but that was all about to change. Your parents decided that it was about time that you got to experience snow for yourself.

Excited. That was the feeling you were feeling when they told you this. But who wouldn't be excited, you get to see snow!


The plane had finally landed and you boarded off. When you exited the airport, you were face to face with the white landscape. There was snow everywhere! It was very pretty, but it was super cold.

You wrapped your scarf a little tighter around your neck as you and your family boarded a taxi. Your family couldn't drive themselves because they weren't used to driving on the icy roads.

The taxi dropped you off at a hotel where you unpacked. After that, you and your family walked to the store. There, your dad found ice skates.

"Hey!" You're dad called you and your mom over. "Who wants to learn how to skate?!"

Your Mom's eyes lit up with excitement while you looked a little skeptical. You never skated before and you were kinda scared you would get hurt. Seeing your parents so excited made you decide to give it a try.

Your Dad bought three pairs of ice skates and you left the store before you made your way to a near by park. There, you found a huge lake frozen over. There were also a lot of people.

Your parents excitedly ran over to the side of the lake and strapped on the skates. They swiftly got up and stubbled onto the lake. They held hands so neither of them would fall. They seemed to have completely forgotten about you because they skated off with out a word.

You sighed before sitting on the ground and putting on the skates. You stood up on the ice and immediately felt unstable. Stumbling a little bit, you scooted forward.

You managed to get to middle of the lake, but that's where you saw...him. A boy with completely white hair, a blue hoodie, which looked like it had frost on it, brown pants, and...wait...he didn't have shoes on! He also held a long stick that was curved at the top.

You stared at the boy as he glided across the ice. You mouth was a gape and there was a confused look in your eye. The boy noticed this and made his over to you.

The boy suddenly leaned in super close to your face. Your eyes widened and you froze.

"What is she staring at?" The boy asked out loud.

Why is talking as if I can't hear him? You asked in your mind.

"H-Hey! Can you get out of my face?" You asked.

The boy didn't move, he just continued to stare at your face.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" You brought your hands to the boy's chest and pushed him away.

The boy fell back and onto the ground, you didn't mean to push him that hard. The boy looked up at you with a shocked look on his face. His blues eyes were wide and his mouth was a gap.

"C-can... can you see me?!" The boy asked.

"Uh yes. Why wouldn't I be able to?"

A huge smile appeard on the boy's face. "You can really see me!!!"

The boy brought his arms up and about to hug you.

"To close!!!" You yelled as you brought your hands up to his chest.

Winter Break (Jack Frost X Reader One Shot)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu