My Only Sunshine

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You are my sunshine,
Connor was lead down the red carpet by two Juvey-cops. He looked up to the roof of the Chop Shop and smiled when he saw Risa playing.

My only sunshine.
Risa took her eyes away from the keyboard, only to see Connor heading for his fate. She stopped playing, and instead sobbed. The band members consulted her as she cried.

You make me happy,
Connor cast his gaze downwards, not being able to see her like this.

When skies are gray.
Risa continued to sob, knowing she'd never see the love of her life again. Connor enters the Chop Shop, and the band's music fills the air once more, of course, without keyboard.

You'll never know dear,
There's suddenly an explosion from somewhere in one of the buildings. Chaos ensues around the camp.

How much I love you.
Another explosion rings out, causing the building to cave in.

Please don't take,
Connor fluctuates in and out of consciousness, all the while wondering if Risa is okay.

My sunshine,
Risa is trapped underneath a large fragment of the roof that's crushing her spine. The only thing she can think about is Connor.

They both slip into the darkness of slumber.


When I was sleeping,
Argent leads her down the hall to the isolation room that Connor was kept in.

I dreamed about you.
He gives them a few moments to talk, all of them knowing that this is it. It's over after this. Yet Risa refuses not to try.

I dreamed I held you,
Connor lays unable to move on the bed. He wants nothing more than to embrace her and tell her everything will be okay, even though they both know it won't be.

In my arms.
He tells her the plan of her staying whole while he'll be unwound. She denies the inevitable, pleading that there had to be another way. Argent presses them for time, knowing Divan will be back shortly.

But when I woke dear,
"Connor, I-"

I was mistaken.
"Don't!" It would be too much like a goodbye, and neither of them would be able to stand that.

And I hung,
So the silence that stretched between them spoke instead, each knowing what the other was thinking.

My head,
Connor chose to speak up as she started to slip out the door.

And I cried.
"I love you Risa Ward. Every last part of me."

You Are My Sunshine: An UnWind FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now