Quick Fire Ideas

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I'm just gonna chuck in a few random quick-fire story ideas out there for all you guys now, since I haven't updated in a while. Been busy typing up Lead The Way, which you should check out by the way. Only the first couple of chapters are posted so far but oh well. Anyway, here we go...

1. The Boy On The Lake

She was just trying to get away,

He was where he always was, just floating.

She was intrigued by the boy on the lake,

He didn't even notice her, not the first time anyway.

She knew there was another chance tomorrow,

He wasn't all that convinced.

This is kinda random, but hey, I'd read it!

2. Forgive me

Forgive me.

I have done many bad things

but worst of all I have lied.

I have lied to everyone I have ever spoke to,

everyone I ever even made eye contact with.

I am not me, I am not the lies I have told.

Please Theodora Ann Willow,

Please forgive me,

because you are no longer someone I can lie to,

not anymore.

This is possibly the most bullshitted thing I have ever written. But I guess if the right person took it on they could turn it into something alright so I'll leave it.

3. Insane

Every morning Isla watches Ace Friday tackle the dangerous waves of Carcass beach from her balcony on the cliff. Through the years she's seen him fly, fall, win, lose and grow, she feels like he's a part of her despite the fact that they've never even met. The day that Ace loses, the day he was dragged out of the water unconscious by no other than Isla Bond was the day that their lives collided head first. Isla knows that she's far from sane and neither is Ace because what sane person willingly surfs the waves of Carcass beach, day after day, week after week?

I will admit that this is worded pretty shittily but It'll be a fun write and read so someone should definitely give it a go :)

4. Pick Up

"If I let you come with me are you going to throw up in my car?"

"No, I'm just a little tipsy" he responded, swaying slightly in the breeze.

"Promise? Because this is no cheap leather"

"I, Sir William Rox, hereby promise the pretty lady that I will not spew on her leather" he saluted, almost falling over.

"Okay then soldier, in you get"

Within two minutes of driving 'Sir William Rox' had vomited in my purse and promptly passed out on the backseat.

I want to read this desperately, so write! Pretty please!

5. Rewind & Pause

When Brooklyn Zetta wakes up one morning with a pair of tattoos under her thumbs she freaks. Who wouldn't? After some scary accidental experiences Brooklyn begins to understand the tattoos, they're magic! With a simple clench of her right hand time goes backwards and with a clench of her left time pauses. What could a sixteen year old girl do with this kind of power? Well, that's where you come in, the person who writes this because I'm too lazy :)

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