Cghapter 21 Game Day: Before the Finals

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The hospital stay was short-lived but extremely eventful. Everyone was visiting Sid's baby, that irritated 'Amy the most like she didn't carry that baby to turn, she did nothing what so ever at all. He would always smile after that and say "he's my son," which would have been cute but everyone would forget 'Amy was in the room.

That was just not right and not happening not while she was still in pain from given birth. "I want everybody out now!" 'Amy yelled out. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing only just now noticing 'Amy was there.

Many of the people gave her a reproachful look some a pitying one. But they unanimously though 'Amy wasn't good enough for Sid or her baby equating her to trash. This seemed wrong to 'Amy that some many people would think that but soon enough she realized why. The people in the room were his teammate, but people found high up in management and sponsors like people.

Giving an angry look to Sid she said again, "everyone in here needs to leave right now." The people in the room started to move slowly out, but glancing over their shoulders to give dirty looks. When the door closed silently behind the last guy Sid glanced over at 'Amy gave her a stunned look before saying,

"You do know those are the people that pay me, the ones that will feed us." She wanted to strangle him, "and I guess you forgot that I just gave birth and I really don't want people near my baby right now. Did you also know that it's time to nurse him? Because you didn't seem to notice that."

She started to reach for the Kiernan but Sid got there faster and handed him to 'Amy. "Way to act like a typical hockey, you jackass." She turned her body away from him and started to nurse their son.

"Tell the doctors I want to leave tonight my friend will take care of me, so you can get ready for the final game." 'Amy said on a defeated sigh.

Sid moved to the door before saying, "I'm sorry." Without a backward glance he moved from the room to the hallway. 'Amy felt bad for yelling at him but how could he not know what an ass he was being.


When they finally made back to his house both 'Amy and Kiernan had to be carried up to master bedroom. Kiernan fell asleep instantly in his newborn cradle and like her son so did 'Amy on her bed.


A few days later it was mid-morning and after a sleepless night for 'Amy she made her way slowly to the kitchen so she could make tea. Sitting on the couch for a few relaxing minutes before Sid got back for his meeting not to mention the baby was sleeping so this was a great time to relax. Tonight was the final game in the series what made this night even more special to 'Amy was she could bring her son to his first game. Sid had to feel the same way.

Today Sid was on a strict schedule after his meeting he's supposed to eat then take a nap. No noise today or so his coach said but really with a newborn in the house do they really think it will be noiseless. Lying down on the couch 'Amy closed her eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

That's how Sid found her an hour later curled up on the couch. The baby monitor was on and he could hear babbling on the other end and he moved to the master bedroom to get his son. He picked Kiernan and brought him downstairs to the kitchen where he placed him in a car seat on the table. Turning to the stove Sid and put on a couple of steaks and some sides in the microwave.

Turning back to Kiernan Sid leaned over him and started to play with him, letting Kiernan grab on to his fingers. They both looked at each other until Sid blow air into Kiernan's face, Kiernan looked stunned for a second and then started grinning or at least trying to. Turning back to the stove Sid piled his food on a plate and sat at the table and continued to play with Kiernan while eating.

A little while later 'Amy walked into the kitchen and curled up on Sidney's lap. "Hey, how're you feeling today?"

Sid pulled her closer before saying, "I'm good a little nervous but good." She looked at Kiernan's small hand wrapped around Sid's big finger and everything in the world felt right. "I have to go nap, want to join me?" he said giving her a hopeful look.

"Fine but I'm still mad at you for the hospital thing." She gave him a look before heading up the stairs.

"So I guess I'm taking Kiernan upstairs eh."

"Yeah you're the big strong hockey player so you can take the itty bitty baby upstairs and change his diaper."

"Come on I don't want to change a diaper. I have to play a game later this isn't what I'm supposed to do before a game."

"And who has to change with during your game after your game and before your game; not you that's for sure."

"Fuck, Fine." He said pouting all the way up. He changed his son you cried the whole time and it made Sid feel like an ass. Walking into the master bedroom he placed Kiernan in his cradle and moved to the bed looking disheveled.

"That was painful he cried the whole time," he looked really upset not even realizing that Kiernan had already forgot his ordeal and was sleeping.

"I'm sorry Sid but he's fine right now and you need a nap." 'Amy looked at Sidney and gave him a sympathetic smile before opening her arms for him. When they had gotten comfortable with Sid's head resting near her neck, she started rubbing his back until he had fallen asleep. Just before she fell asleep she was thinking about how good life had been since they got home from the hospital and how tonight Sid was going to do something special at the game for his son.

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