Just Work with it

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As I was driving, Raven was right next me, laying her head on my shoulder. She was already asleep, she hasn't made a sound. And it was the first time we saw each other in five months. It was after getting her taken away it feels like I don't want her to leave. She was taken from my house by her guardian Dr. Foss, he killed her parents and he kidnapped her, as I that thought went through my head, I squeezed my hands around the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white. She finally got back from being in Cincinnati, Ohio. I missed her so much, while I was looking for her I wouldn't let anything stop me. She would of punched me in the face for being such a big wuss.

What I did was I followed her tracks as long as I could but it wasn't hard, she kept a sign on the ground with spray paint she made, that she keeps hidden in her boot. She kept making the symbol every time she stopped. She made it a the way to Ohio, but alas I finally found her, she was climbing out of a three story window, with bedsheets, and she was trying to do it quietly. But as I tried to grab at her, she punched my face, thinking I was a kidnapper. I held her to her chest and called her nickname "Rae," she looked at me with those big blue eyes that went from fear to love. She started crying, she called my name between sobs, as I picked her up and carried her out of sight, " I missed... missed you so much... I thought I... I thought you wouldn't look for me... Or ever want me back..." I was busy looking around and looked at her and grabbed her chin " I will never stop looking for you... Understand, I would look for you forever, but right now we need to find a car." She pulled keys from her pocket and the keychain ' Keys of Foss,' I smiled. " Let's go."

She was finally waking up when dawn broke out in the sky, " Ryko pull over and so then you and I could switch." I kept going even though I did need sleep, " Pull over at the next stop we can stop at a hotel, and get rid of this vehicle, or trade it with a car dealer." I did as I was told. We went to Best Western, " How may I help you fine couple," said the clerk. " We will like to take a two- single twin beds..." " Well let me see here... Hmm sorry we only have a junior suite that has one bed." I was about to turn around and... " We will take it, here's the money." " Alright here is your key, and if you need anything just call me and you guys get free room service."

I mean she was just amazing as ever, when we got in the room, it was silent... I looked at her and asked her if she would like to go first, " No it's cool I take a bath in the other bathroom, then, we can talk," as she looked away and made her way to the bathroom.

" Do you want any clothes, I have some of your old sweatshirts and underwear, I'm afraid you took your pants," she just looked at me as nothing I said was important, so I slid the sweatshirt and dark red underwear on the bed. As I looked up she was already turning the shower on. I turned and went to my bathroom, and started peeling my clothes of as I looked in the mirror. I saw that scar just overlooking my shoulder, I looked away and took the rock necklace off.

Why is it I try to talk to Ryko and I just think about his body structure, and how is he built. I love Ryko, I can say but I don't really know how to show him. I don't know where to keep my hands away from him. When I was living with all I did was getting his approval or trying to get his body near me. I would sit there waiting for him to wake me up in the morning, or I would get up early and try to surprise him, which never worked. He just makes my blood boil over.

I guess that is how love works... I mean when we went to school. It was like girls were always trying to piss me off by trying to bend over or talk to him and do what snobby girls do best... Flirt. They would just flirt with him in front of me, and I wanted to punch them in the throat, but I just stood still and waited till they left.

Without realizing, I was out of the shower, getting a towel around my body. I tip-toed to the bed grabbed my clothes. I could hear his shower off, and so I ran back to my bathroom. I put my clothes on, and even put my now clean hair in a hair-tie. I looked like a pale ghost half naked, as I turned around I looked in the mirror and saw those marks from the attack when I was eight...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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