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The Echo of my life will be divided into three parts the first part will be live the second would be love and the third would be learn with each talking about different things and when one ends the other part will begin because life doesn't stop with the ending of one phase of your life.

Dear readers welcome to the life story of Sofia a normal teenager living among the crowd she might seem invisible to this crowd but there is more to her than that which meets the eye.

Life has never been fair to me after years of drowning myself in self pity I don't know how but I learnt how to look past this and find alittle bit of happiness in a world I created for myself with unbreakable walls,unreachable mind and a guarded heart.

Surviving without broken emotions was what I lived by many tried to stretch their hands to pull me out of this but never have I ever reached out to any of their hands.Some didn't try others tried hard but none tried harder.

Every morning i'll wake up hoping that today things might be alittle bit different and the day might end up been eventful and sometimes been just plain boring.

Also today i wake up with the same drive maybe earlier than usually but who would want to be late for class first day of school?no me.......

After getting up I jumped into the shower hoping that it might take away may tiredness am not a morning person but I have my reasons.After showering I put on my school uniform afterwards I make my way to the kitchen;I eat breakfast and I move out of the house.Now you must be wondering why am I the only character in this boring book?there is something I forgot to mention and that is I only have one family member and that's my you must be asking....what about your parents?I don't know about them either am clueless like you.

All I know about my parents is they met one day;fell in Love the next day;got married the following day;had me the day after;then the next day they got divorced;and the day after that they moved on with life as if all those things never happened....yes their love story might have been a short trip to the museum and yes it did have its ups and downs but sometimes I wished they tolerated each other for my sake and maybe I wouldn't have spent those minutes trying to tell their story in two lines but anyway am not complaining.

I shut the door on my way out to school probably grandma was asleep and I didn't want to wake her up.View Academy was five minutes far from my home I didn't need to take the school bus yes it was compulsory but preferred to walk and each day I had to come up with a new excuse to get the deputy principal of my back that old man won't buy of the other students reasons but somehow I always managed to lie to him without him ever suspecting a thing.

The morning walks to school helped me in some ways;I thought about lots of different things and sometimes I found myself reaching the school gates even without knowing how I ended up there.

Morning soldier?

Morning Sofia

How was your night?

It was quite okay but I can't wait to go home and get good sleep;this bones are failing me

C'mon soldier....if i didnt know any better i'll have mistaken you for a fourty year stil look young and good looking and that's the opinion of 17 year old teenage girl

"That's nice of you to say dear but if i were you i'll run to the school gate seems the buses are about to arrive"

Okay soldier see you later...I wave and run I didn't want be found here not that I was ashamed or something

After 2 minutes of sitting outside the first bus arrived and the student started to alight one by one I couldn't help but stare at them not in a creepy way but just that its something I have always done I don't know why or maybe I was hoping to catch the eye of a familiar__________(you can finish that)

The first person to get out was some chick in 9th grade followed by her group of friends.The next person to alight was Mr "familiar_____" and his two other friends.

And just like old time he looked right at me and smiled something he has always done sometime I wonder what he will do when someday he won't find me sitting right on this bench or what will i do when he won't alight from the bus and I won't catch his stare.

I rolled my eyes at him but deep inside I felt something which I always forced aside like hell who would want to have feelings for Mr-am-better-than-everyone or who goes by the name Adam.

As I was thinking about all of this I didn't even realise that Adam and his two friends were standing right next to me

"Seriously.....why are we even forced to ride such piece of crap when we can get to school using our own means in better vehicles than that???

That was Zachary one of Adam's friends;know you can see why I call Adam "mr-am-better-than-everyone"

"I dont know....but I can't waste 30minutes of my time everyday to make myself look great then afterwards i sit in that piece of shit with all those students...only God knows where they wake up from every morning"

and now that's mr-am-better-than-everyone

"Just the bus and the crowd make you irritated?am surprised why none of you hasn't mention the stuffy Seems to me some have forgotten what "shower" really means

And finally that's zain

"Hahahahahaha" I chuckled.....listening to them can sometimes be amusing and most of the times its annoying

"What are you laughing at "ex-ex-mono" zain asked with all of them glancing at me.

You must be wondering what "ex-ex-mono" means....that's a name they have been calling me ever since I joined View academy 2 years ago.when I was a freshman it was "mono";in sophomore I was "ex-mono";in senior class I am"ex-ex-mono" all know the meaning

Mono......means one

"When will you idiots quit calling me that stupid name am really tired of hearing it for the past 2 years"

"Maybe 8 months from now or even sooner"Adam said

I knew that this will be their last year in highschool 8 months from now but I didn't understand what he meant by "or even sooner"and as I was about to ask him the bell rang meaning we all had to get to class

I'm gonna ask him that later but right now I had to get to class which was a whole new other drama........

____to be continued_______with love from distantheart

I hope people give THE ECHO OF MY LIFE a chance I promise you all won't be's a really small book which is just starting to grow and maybe later on it might become a great book...
With love from distantheart

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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