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There once was a big fashion shop in a big, big city.

In that shop there once where two belts.

The one was a beautiful belt in a sea blue color and with rich ornaments on it.

The other one was green and ment for men's pants.

He had an eye (well not really eye, but you know what I mean...) on the blue belt for quite some time already.

She also kinda liked the green belt.

But they always were very far away.

All they could do was look at each other, hoping that some day, they might be able to hear the others voice.

And so they lived on.

But on a fateful day, a woman came into the store.

She looked and looked and looked and then...

She bought the blue belt.

The blue belt cried at the loss of the belt she loved so much, and even the green one, who was tuff af, couldn't hold back a few tears (metaphorically, because belts don't cry).

Soon after a man came to the shop.

And he bought the heartbroken green belt.

When they arrived at the man's home, the green belt saw something he couldn't belive.

On the hips of the man's wife sat his blue belt!

He was overflowed with happiness and the feelings of love, on which he had already given up.

The blue belt was also overjoyed and started crying (again metaphorically).

The belts lives were way better from now on, although not perfect.

The green belt had to hold up pants almost 24/7 and the blue one almost never was able to get out of the closet.

But every night when the man came home to his wife, the green belt also returned and was able to hear the blue one again.

Although they always were in different closets, they now where able to hear each other.

It made them so happy to talk most of the night.

And so they lived on.

But one day the man stopped wearing the green belt.

The blue heard him say something about "being too old"...

Then she realized.

They would throw him away.

And she would be alone again.

No. She didn't want that.

Then she asked the green: "How are you feeling?"

"Worn out", he answered.

The blue belt decided to take action.

She slowly removed every single one of her ornaments.

It was very painful, but that way she was thrown with the green.

They landed on a dump.

It wasn't a bad life though...

They were able to be together 24/7.

It was the first time they could actually see, hear and touch at the same time.

They were very happy.

Until a huge machine came.

It started burning everything on the dump little by little...

The belts knew.

They were next.

But they couldn't do anything about it.

So they came closer and closer to the fire...

It got really hot.

And then it was only seconds till the fire.

The green belt knew.

Now or never.

He looked at the blue one, collected all his courage and said:

"I love you"

The blue belt was so surprised but happy at the same time.

She whispered:

"I love you too"

And then the fire reached them, burning green and blue to grey ashes.

They were marched together to one.

One with the universe.

One with their loved one.

One with a hole pile of other crap.

And if there is something like an afterlife, you can be sure, that those two belts found eternal happiness and love.

Drawings, Thoughts and other Shit... // FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now