Chapter 1

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Red. The color of your hair.

"Hey mom, who is this?"

I was cleaning out our apartment's office, when I came across a dusty brown photo album from ten years ago. The very first picture in the book showed a five-year-old boy talking to a girl at what looked like a birthday party. She had a single flower in her red hair.

"Bring it here, Luke."

Since my mother is extremely ill and cannot walk, I have to clean and cook while my uncle tends to her needs. Although we are related, Uncle Randy does not like teenagers, kids, or even babies. I try to avoid him. I pranced over to Mother and Uncle Randy (avoiding eye contact with him), and handed Mother the photo book.

"Well, if it isn't the first family photo album that we've ever bought!"


"Yes, didn't I just say that?"

I nodded, and Mother let out a laugh. Uncle Randy moved his chair away from me and continued to read the newspaper.

"Does that mean that... Dad is in here?

"I do suppose he is, but..."

Mother let out a sigh. She never really likes to talk about Dad, because he was killed in a severe car accident along with our dog at the time, Steth. Dad named him that because my first word was Stethoscope, and Dad worked in the emergency room downtown. I decided to change the subject because I could see Mother tearing up.

"Anyways, why do we have this picture?"

"This is you, and this was your best friend when you two were five."

First, she pointed at baby me, and I was shocked. I've never really seen a picture of myself as a toddler. next, she pointed at the tiny redhead. My best friend? She does look familiar...

"Wouldn't it be fun if you two met again? Then again, she is a girl and I know you are scared of pretty girls."

"No I am not."

She laughed again, and flipped through the book.

"Ah, here is that girl again. I believe her last name was Raye? Raith? Something like that."

The time suddenly stopped and the memory shot through my head like a bullet. I remember her. My first love. I jumped backwards, hitting the dinner table, and knocking the water from the flowers on the table onto the floor. Uncle Randy shot a curse word and told me to get a towel and clean up the mess.

"I'm sorry," I looked down at me feet, "I just realized something. That's all. After cleaning up the water and refilling the flower vase, I walked back to my room and threw myself on the bed. It's just a girl... I said to myself. She is probably a lot different now. Plus, I have other things to focus on in life. And romance is not one of them.

Chasing Red *editing*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora