Home At Last?

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Not only five minutes after James made that OFFENSIVE remark, my cell phone rang loudly in my pocket. Gregory stared at me alarmed and gripped my shoulders,

"Are you okay? What's that beeping?"

Tony and James snickered amongst themselves as the Sackville-Bagg children surround me with curiosity. Of course, cell phones didn't exist in their time. I doubt they even heard of a telephone.

I smiled, "Calm down guys. It's just a cell phone. Its how the people of the twentieth century communicate with each other."

Anna was holding my hand tightly, damn they still have their strength, "What happened to letter writing?"

James decided to help me out, "You can thank Bill Gates for that."

"Whose Bill Gates? Is he a victorious knight?"

My bleached hair friend looked as if he was about to teach a whole class of first graders their Abcs. James as a teacher? I think the world is ending.

"Well, you see Ana. Bill Gates was a dork in high school, everyone picked on him. Then when we became an adult, he created the most used computer program in the world...-"

He must have purposely cut off for the suspense increase, for Ana, Rudolph and Gregory were basically out of their seats with wonder. Well-if they were sitting in seats, they would be off them by now. You get what I mean!

Tony rolled his eyes as James continued to tamper the ancient minds of the two kids and teenager, "MICROSOFT! Is what they called it! This invention was like a electronic God! Mister Gates made MILLIONS of dollars, so much that he decided to retire early and marry some playboy babe."

I couldn't contain my laughter any longer at the stunned expressions of our ex vampires could practically tell anything we wanted to our old friends and they would believe us, for it seems the new world has made them naive.

"-Bill Gates also created the INTERNET!" That's when Tony put his tiny foot down.

His little voice squeaked, "Bill Gates didn't create the internet! Just because he created Mircosoft doesn't mean he changed the ways people can talk to each other! It's just some stupid high tech notepad!"

Rudolph whispered, "Tony must be telling the truth, he's my best friend! He wouldn't lie!"

Gregory crossed his arms strictly, "I didn't believe it anyway." He totally did. Ana gave us all a clueless stare, "Humans are a lot more complicated than I thought!"

I corrected her, "No, just James." That earned me a glare from my lying best friend. Hey, he deserves it. Trying to poison the minds ofthe most gullible bunch of people on the whole entire world!

Gregory asked me quietly, "Since your...what do you call it again?"

James answered, rocking back and forth on each foot, "Cellphone."

"-Yes, since your CELLPHONE was ringing, doesn't that mean someone was trying to get in touch with you?"

I completely forgot that my phone was ringing. Snatching it from my pocket, I saw the missed call was from the person who gave birth to me. Deciding that it would be rude to talk in front of our friends, I excused myself.

Ring...Ring...Ring! Come on Mom...put down the ice cream and pick up the phone! As if magic, she answered three seconds after I silently pleaded.

Her muffled voice came through, "Hello?" Yeah. Make that ice cream AND cookies.

I greeted, "Hey Mom. Sorry, I didn't pick up. I was...busy entertaining guests."

"Oh! You made friends?" I don't like how excited she sounded.

Through Midnight Eyes {Sequel To October Surprises!}Where stories live. Discover now