chapter 8

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-Jake's POV-

“Someone page Doctor Rene, stat!” A nurse yelled to a few by standard employee’s."

“Bree, I’m so sorry.” I gripped her hand, squeezing my eyes shut tightly to avoid the tears.

“Can any of you tell me what happened to her?” The nurse asked, observing Bree’s shattered leg.

“S-she was on the jetski.” I muttered.  “And we were about to hit a tree, so I pulled her off, and she hit the prop, and, and.”

I broke down, how could I have been so stupid?  I could have just pulled her off a little further to the left, and we wouldn’t be in this situation.

“Hey, this isn’t your fault.” The nurse comforted me, patting me softly on the back.  “The way I see it, you may have saved her life.  Do you know what could’ve happened if she hit that tree?”

“Well, n-“

“She could’ve died.” The nurse cut me off.  “But you saved her.  And now, with the proper treatment, she’ll be fine again in no time.”

 “Bring her in!” A doctor yelled anxiously.

Bree’s hand released from mine, and a few of the hospital employees cautiously rushed her to the operating room.

I sat down in one of the waiting room chairs, burrying my face into my hands.


-Bree’s POV-

“Where am I?” I asked tiredly, slowly opening my eyes.

I instantly felt a throbbing pain in my right leg, causing me to scream.

“Bree, calm down.  You’re going to be fine.  We just finished stitching up your leg, so it’s going to hurt a little.”  A nurse explained to me.

As I reached to grasp my leg, but the nurse’s hand quickly restrained me from doing so.

“That’s another thing.” She added.  “Don’t touch it, we wouldn’t want the stitches coming open.”

I rolled my eyes, resting my head back on my pillow.

“What exactly happened to me?  I mean, how did I get here?” I asked curiously.

The nurse examined her clip board, looking for some type of identification.

“Well.” She started.  “It says here that a man named Jake Taylor brought you in.   Do you know him?”

I paused for a second, suddenly remembering everything that had gone down.  The jet ski, the tree, Jake yelling.  I should have listened when he told me to slow down.

“Y-yes.” I said reluctantly.  “I know him.”

“Excuse me, nurse?” A lady poked her head through the door to my room.  “Is she ready for visitors?”

The nurse looked at me with wondrous eyes.  I nodded my head slightly, letting her know I was ready.  The woman then left the room, and shortly after, I was greeted by all of my friends.

Everyone gave me hugs, telling me they were so scared, and glad that I was going to be okay, except Jake.  He approached me slowly, with pain filled eyes.

“Bree..” He whispered, hugging me softly.

"I'm so sorry."

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