Ten Facts Thingy

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I haven't been doing much one shottery stuffs and instead have been screwing around, but I was tagged by my sister, TheRamenPandaOtaku , to state ten facts about myself and I thought, "why the heck not?" I'll have you all know that I am working on an Otanashi x Kanade one shot, so please don't think I'm just using this book to mess around.

Without further ado, here we go.

1 - I am female.

2 - my temper is a very short fuse and it doesn't take much to annoy me. However, I try to remain at least approachable. Is it working?

3 - I make a ton of references.

4 - I cosplay multiple characters, but the most successful at conventions would probably have to be Alphonse Elric or Fem!Canada. My next cosplay is Mello from Death Note, which won't be making an appearance at cons for, like, five more months. ;-;

5 - fanfics are my special little way of showing my appreciation for whatever genius created the real thing.

6 - for someone who's never been in a relationship, I sure do write a lot of romance.

7 - I often refer to myself as "the best around." I even do karate to back it up. ^~^

8 - I am actually a published author.


10 - I love all of you for even reading this. -3-

I nominate-


And anyone reading this right now.

I be looking forward to seeing your facts.
☆~ ゝ。∂

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