Chapter 1

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"HAAAAAAAAAA....!", I yawned loudly as I got up from the bed.

What a day again...


Hopefully I will have a lucky day today.


I yawned again.


Okay... First of all, I want to introduce myself. My name's Shion Kaito. I love ice cream and scarf. And always hoping for the World Peace~~~ Well currently, I am a college student and... I'm all by myself.

Recently my father passed away while my gramps was still in our province so I was left alone...


Well, that's life... I will never be able to change it...

Then, from that... I... I just saw the clock and...

ASLKDJAKSHDAJSKH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O A O!!!!

"I'M LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", I shouted from being shock and started to panic.

I immediately went to the bathroom to brush my teeth when suddenly... someone knocked on my door.



WHO MIGHT THAT BE???!!!!!!!!!!!

Then, that person knocked again.


I'M FREAKING LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hurriedly finished my brushing and immediately opened the door.

"What?", I asked in my irritation but...


...saw a bunch of big-built men in black suits.




I really got shocked and closed the door again.





W-WHO ARE THEY???!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JUST WHO ARE THEY????!!!!!!!!!!!!


"He's here!!!", another voice suddenly shouted.



Then, I really panic when they're trying to open my door.

I immediately leaned to the door and tried not to open it.

"Shion Kaito?!", the man suddenly said my name.



They knew my name???!!!!!!!!!!

"Shion Kaito, open this door!!!!!!"


WHAT SHOULD I DO???!!!!!!!!!

WHAT SHOULD I DO???!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Shion Kaito, you're in there!!!"

"No, I'm not here!", I shouted back and kept on pushing the door so that they won't be able to open it.

"Shion Kaitoooo!!!!!!!!!", he shouted and I just felt a sudden force... and the door was opened.



Then, four men suddenly went inside and held me down on the floor.

"I did not do anything!!!!!!!! I'm innocent!!!!!!!! I did not do anything!!!!!!!!!!", I kept on saying in panic.

They really pushed my face on the floor and stopped my struggling.

"Please spare me!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm innocent!!!!!!!! I did not do anything!!!!!!!!"

"*Waka, we already caught him.", I suddenly heard a voice said. (means youth in Japanese but in some mangas I've read, yakuza subordinates are using "waka" too to call the son of their leader)



Badump Badump Badump Badump




"I don't have anything to do with you! I did not do anything!!!! Please let me go!!!!!!!", I kept on saying and started to cry.


WHAT SHOULD I DO????!!!!!!!!!!!!


What's this?...

Then, suddenly I remembered him saying something before...

"On the right time, someone will come..."



I started to hear footsteps that slowly getting near to me.


Then, I only just saw two pair of black shoes in front of me.

Badump Badump Badump Badump

"*Hanayome...", the other one suddenly said in his husky voice. (*means bride)


"...he will marry you..."

Message of Author-san:

For more update of this story and because this is just so new, I need 5 votes to continue. ~u^

Oyabun's Bride (Gakupo x Kaito)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum