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Albus POV

Rose and Scorpius. I think they like each other. I can tell. This morning I found them in the Common Room. They were sleeping, Rose leaning on Scorpius.
After Rose left to get ready, so did Scorpius and I sat near the fire waiting for them. Scorpius came out in three minutes. He was dressed in his school robes and his hair was a mess. It looked like he either forgot about his hair or he doesn't like to wear it like his dad did. Uncle Ron always told stories about his father.
Scorpius sat next to me and waited. After about ten minutes, she finally came out wearing her school robes.
"Let's go down to breakfast," she says. I nod and get up, Scorpius follows.

* ;-; TIME SKIP*

We were in our first class with my parents' friend, Professor Longbottom.
I looked over at Scorpius and saw him slumped down in his seat. He looked uncomfortable. Rose noticed this too and she reacted before me.
"Scorpius, are you okay?" she asked. He just shrugged his shoulders and nodded.
"Are you sure?" I asked. After a small pause he finally said, "I'm just scared that other people won't like me."
"Scorpius people are gonna like you for who you are, not for your ancestors," Rose told him.
"Yeah," I told him, "And besides, you've got us mate, we'll help you make friends."
"Thanks guys, I'm glad I met you both," Scorpius said staring at Rose and biting his bottom lip. Rose stared at him too. I felt really awkward. I cleared my throat and they both fell out of their trances. Rose was blushing really badly. Scorpius had only red on his cheeks.
Professor Longbottom walked into the classroom. He stared at the class and asked, "Does anyone know what plant gives a human the ability to process oxygen from water and let them navigate in water easily?" Rose and Scorpius's hands quickly shot up, the only ones in the class who knew.
Professor eyed Scorpius.
"Son, your a Malfoy, am I right?" Asked Professor Longbottom.
"Er, yes, I'm a Malfoy," Scorpius said, his face very red and biting his bottom lip. Everyone started whispering around us. By this point, Scorpius looked like an apple.
"Silence!" Professor yelled and everyone fell silent, "Well then Scorpius what is the answer."
"It's Gillyweed sir," Scorpius replied, still red in the face.
"And your a Malfoy in Gryffindor?" a Ravenclaw girl asked him.
"Yes, he's a Gryffindor," Rose answered her.
Some Slytherins started whispering among themselves. Scorpius blushed harder.
"Silence!," Professor yelled again, "you got the answer right Scorpius, nice job."
"Thanks," Scorpius said blushing more, if that were possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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