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Aria's pov

The guys had left a few hours ago and now I was all alone. Like always. I was in my room when my phone dings. 'Aye Aria, there's a party tonight, wanna go?- Johnson' How the hell did he get my number? 'No thanks for inviting me though' I replied. 'Too bad, you're going, we're outside your house(;' he replied.  Are you serious? I went downstairs and opened the door and fair enough they were there smirking at me. "Ugh guys I really don't wanna go" I said letting them in. "Too bad Aria we didn't come all the way over here for you to not go" Sammy said with a slick smile. "I didn't tell y'all to come all the way over here so" I said smirking. "Who cares you're coming" Gilinsky said shrugging. "You can't make me" "wanna bet?" smirked Sammy. He picked me up and I started banging my fists in his back telling him to put me down but he kept walking and was about to open the door to go outside but I screamed that I would go. "That's what I thought" he smirked proudly. "Asshole" I mumbled. They all chuckled and I went upstairs to change and do all the things I had to do. I straightened my hair, applied mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick. Then I changed into some black leggings with a black t-shirt, my black leather jacket and vans. "Damn took you long enough" mumbled Gilinsky. "You're the ones that made me go so suck it up" I replied with an eye roll. "It was worth it though" Nate mumbled. "Yeah you look hot Aria" Johnson said with a wink. I just shrugged and we went outside to their  car. We arrived to the huge house where the party was held. We got off and went through the door since it was open. The smell of sweat, alcohol, vomit, and weed was all over the place. Some were grinding on each other, some were making out, others were drinking, but mainly they were outside smoking. I wanted to get out of here already. "Don't get drunk okay?" Sammy smirked. "I don't drink" I said and they all walked in different directions. I really didn't want to be by myself but whatever. I walked over to the small bar and asked for a water. I turned around because I heard someone call my name but I didn't quite get who it was. I turned back to face the bartender and he handed me the water bottle with a sympathetic smile. Sympathetic smile? Why? I just shrugged it off and drank half if it. I walked back to the living room and just stood next to the wall waiting for one of the boys to come back. I started to feel dizzy so I started looking for the boys to tell them I was going home.  This guy came up to me and said, "here take this you look really bad and this will help you" he handed me a pill that looked like an m&m. I had a major headache so I took it without thinking and drank it. Minutes later I was stumbling from side to side and was sweating like crazy. What the hell is going on? I started seeing things everywhere and I was freaking out.

After about five minutes of looking for the guys and not finding them I gave up. I started walking back and saw Nate and a blond practically eating each other.  Is he fucking serious? I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I was about to open the door to go outside when a tall, kind of buff guy grabs me by the waist and whispers, "dance with me, babe?" I shook my head no but that only made me dizzier. He got mad and started kissing my neck roughly, holding on to my waist. I tried to push him off but I felt really weak. "S-stop" I tried saying but it came out as a whisper. "Wh-what's h-happening to m-me" I whispered. "Sh babe just cooperate with me yeah?" He mumbled into my neck. "P-please g-get off of m-me" I whispered. He kept kissing me and I felt disgusted. I felt really weak, dizzy, and anytime now I was going to pass out. "Get your fucking hands off of her" I heard a voice say. The guy removed his lips from my neck and looked behind him. I felt relieved, finally. My eyes wanted to close but I tried really hard to keep them open. "Who the fuck are you?" the guy that was kissing me asked. "I'm her boyfriend, now get your fucking self off of her" Nate said.  Wait, Nate?  "Sure doesn't look like it" the guy smirked. Nate's face was full of rage and before I knew it he swung his fist towards the guys jaw and the guy swung back. They kept going at it and they both had bruises on their faces. I tried getting Nate to stop but he wouldn't listen. Sammy and the Jack's finally heard what was happening and came and pulled them apart. That's all I remember before everything went black.

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