The Party!!

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Skylar's POV

We lay on the floor in the girls dorm. By we, I mean Riley, Del, Lily, and I. We're planning the party that has yet to happen. The invitations says that it's happens toning, but we've been to busy to finish planning other things. Lils and I are going to sneak into the kitchens and bring back a bunch of food and sweets. Riley and Del are going to set up music and see if they can get a karaoke machine. The boys are going to use the green room, which is a huge room on the green floor, and move around the furniture in the room to make it even bigger. 

"Alright, let's do this thing!" I say and we all get up and head towards our destinations. Lily and I have to go to the boys room to tell them what they're doing. I just barge through the door and immediately close my eyes. Sure I'm use to seeing them only in boxers, but it is still a disturbing sight that I rather not be seeing around noon. 

"Sorry boys, but we just needed to tell you that you need to move around the furniture in the green room to make it better for the party!" There was a mummer of oks and yesses, before Lily and I exit the room. 

"Race you!" She yells back at me, already running.

"You are so on!" I take off running after her. I catch up to her and we both touch the door at the same time. We open the door and start filling our baskets with food. I grab another bag and fill it with all sorts of soda, while Lily is filling another bag with chocolate and other sorts of candy.  

"Let's go!" I nod my head in agreement and we take off towards the green room. Before I get there, I get stopped by Eli Parker. He has black hair and brown eyes. Let me some the rest up for you, he is the pretty boy here. Taking girls out on dates just for the fun of it. 

"Hi Eli..." I start hesitantly.

"Hey Sky!" I shake my head. 

"Only my friends get to call me that. Sorry if I sound bitchy, but it's true." He nods his head in what I think is understanding. 

"Sorry Skylar, I was wondering if you would be my date to the thanksgiving dance?" I don't have anybody else and Ryan isn't going to ask me, because he doesn't like me, so I nod my head. 

"Sure. See you there!" I take off again before he can stop me. I just agreed to go to a dance with a pretty boy... EWWWWWWWW! What have I done?

"What have you done, S? Ryan is going to be so mad!" I turn to look at her, she has an evil smirk on her face before she takes off running. I take off after her, but my ankle hurts to much to run full speed. I catch up to her just as she starts talking. "Sky is going to the dance..." I put my hand over her mouth so that she can't say the rest. She licks my hand and then tries something that I would also most likely do... She tries to bite me, so I move my hand away. I try to move my hand back, but stupid Ryan had to go and grab it. 

"Who is she going to the dance with, Lily?" Sam asks sweetly, but Lily just smirks again. 

"You know what, I forget... I thought that I would remember since it just happened, but for some stupid reason, I can't. Stupid pineapples messing with my memory!" She curses the sky by waving her fist in the air. "Now Sky, we have to finish getting the room ready and then finish getting ready ourselves!" She says as she grabs my hand and pulls me over to the table where we are going to be lining the snacks and drinks up. 

"You, my friend, are an evil little person!" She just smirks at me in response. Then I catch on... Ryan, Sam, Kyle, and maybe Matt aren't going to let this go until I tell them. "URRGGGG!" After we finish setting out the snacks, Lily, once again, drags me across the room and out the door towards the disappearing room. 

"Get ready!" She says in a fake motherly voice. 

"Yes mother!" She shakes her head at me and laughs underneath her breath. I go over to the closet and pull out a blueish sweatshirt top, light jeans, and black boots. For my hair, I just pull it into a messy fishtail that goes to the side. I don't add any make-up, cause in all honesty, I hate it. I look over to see that Lily is wearing a long sleeve sports top, with dark jeans and tan boots that have heels. (AN, didn't know how to describe it, so photo is at the top, except it is long sleeve!) She leaves her red hair down and only wears a bit of mascara. 

"Ready?" She asks. I nod my head in response, so we head out of the dorm and towards the green room. As soon as we open the door, Ryan, Kyle, Sam, Matt, Riley, and Del attack Lily and I. They drag us to the couch that is up against the wall. 

"So, who is this person that is taking Sky to the dance?" Riley asks. All of the boys stiffen and I immediately role my eyes. They are way to over protective of me. Come on, we all know that I'm awesome and can handle myself in hard situations. 

"It's none of your business!" I state. Ryan starts to look a little mad.

"It may not be their business, but it is mine!" Ryan says.

"And why is that?"

"B-be-bec-" He stutters.

"See, it isn't any of your business!" 

"Yes it isn't his business, but it is mine, seeing as I serve as more of an older brother that your suppose to trust me with stuff that you can't tell others." I turn around and see that Bill is standing behind me. I smile up at him, but it disappears when I realize he wasn't joking about me telling him. I just know that he won't actually let me out of his eyesight before I tell him. I heave a sigh before standing up and making my way towards the door and out into the hall. Once out there, I wait for Bill. He comes out not to seconds later. "So, who is it?" 

"Eli Parker..." I mumble. He looks at me questionably. "Eli Parker!" I say it clearer this time and he nods his head to show that he understands what I'm talking about. 

"Why did you say yes?"

"I guess it was just in the moment. I don't really like him and just think of him as a friend, but if I told the gang that, then they would take it differently. Especially Ryan!" He nods his head.

"You have to tell them though." I look at him confused. "You wouldn't want them to find out by a rumor or anything else that is a lot worse. You don't have to tell them now, but just tell them soon. If you don't you will be in even deeper trouble." He states before walking back into the room. By now, the party was in full swing and you can hear the music blearing from the speakers and all of the people talking and dancing. I slide my back down against the wall and sit there for a long time. I hear footsteps and look up to find Hacker looking down at me. He suddenly holds out his hand. Since I confronted him, he no longer kept those walls up and stopped being a jerk... at least to me. 

"Come on Brown, time to head inside to the party." I take his hand gratefully and we head inside. Once there, I head towards my group of friends as he heads towards his. That's how it goes on for the rest of the night. We party until one in the morning when Professor Madden came to yell at us. I didn't even make it back to the dorms before crashing in Ryan's arms. My fist curled into a ball in his shirt as I take in his comforting smell and body. I hear voices talking before darkness clouds my surroundings. 


Ryan's POV

I watch as Sky falls asleep in my arms and how her little fist is curled into a ball. A ghost of a smile is on her lips as her breathing starts slowing down and she falls into a deep sleep. 

"Dude, you have fallen hard!" Sam says from beside me. He is carrying Lily in his arms, who has also fallen asleep. Sam is one of the only people who can touch Lily without her flinching. 

"I know, but so have you." I look over at him to just barely see a tiny nod. 

"Ya, I guess I have."

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